JFYI: Be careful if Ubuntu is asking you to update to LTS 24.04

Unfortunately, my joy did not last long.

After hours of importing a new set of all the dump files, I’m not able to connect locally to the new running docker container.

Neither localhost:5000 nor the local IP VM adress let me connect inside the VM with a FireFox browser installed on Ubuntu 24.04.1 Desktop.

Are there any ideas what I could test or change?

Maybe this can help?

sudo docker images
REPOSITORY                       TAG       IMAGE ID       CREATED         SIZE
musicbrainz-docker-indexer       latest    e25faa636e4b   8 hours ago     803MB
musicbrainz-docker-mq            latest    708b2cca2e89   8 hours ago     149MB
musicbrainz-docker_search        3.4.2     1ead24097a35   8 hours ago     586MB
musicbrainz-docker-musicbrainz   latest    81bd9a4889ca   4 days ago      2.5GB
musicbrainz-docker_db            16        abc0a3cc7ca6   3 months ago    1.44GB
echo MusicBrainz Docker: `git describe --always --broken --dirty --tags` && echo Docker Compose: `docker compose version --short` && sudo docker version -f 'Docker Client/Server: {{.Client.Version}}/{{.Server.Version}}'
MusicBrainz Docker: v-2024-09-02.0
Docker Compose: 2.24.6+ds1-0ubuntu2
Docker Client/Server: 24.0.7/24.0.7

Don’t post the output here (privacy), but does the command sudo docker ps -a show you a container with the name musicbrainz-docker-musicbrainz? If not, the container with the web server might not actually have started properly.

If you do get output, what’s given in the “STATUS” column for that container? Also, see if the “PORTS” column shows you entries such as>5000, ::1:5000->5000/tcp,>5000/tcp and/or :::5000->5000/tcp. Are any of these present?

Thanks again for your help!

No problem, my docker container isn’t reachable from outside my LAN.

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                             COMMAND                  CREATED          STATUS                     PORTS                                                 NAMES
82c86da375ae   musicbrainz-docker_search:3.4.2   "docker-entrypoint.s…"   24 seconds ago   Up 24 seconds              8983/tcp                                              musicbrainz-docker-search-run-a460ee932e18
ffcc1fc8c4c6   musicbrainz-docker-musicbrainz    "docker-entrypoint.s…"   5 hours ago      Exited (137) 5 hours ago                                                         musicbrainz-docker-musicbrainz-1
10f29027b714   musicbrainz-docker-indexer        "/sbin/my_init"          5 hours ago      Exited (137) 5 hours ago                                                         musicbrainz-docker-indexer-1
85b7f7bbf590   musicbrainz-docker-mq             "/docker-entrypoint-…"   5 hours ago      Up 5 hours                 4369/tcp, 5671-5672/tcp, 15671-15672/tcp, 25672/tcp   musicbrainz-docker-mq-1
6c7ca4c9f23b   musicbrainz-docker_search:3.4.2   "docker-entrypoint.s…"   5 hours ago      Up 5 hours                 8983/tcp                                              musicbrainz-docker-search-1
bc76714701df   musicbrainz-docker_db:16          "docker-entrypoint.s…"   5 hours ago      Up 5 hours                 5432/tcp                                              musicbrainz-docker-db-1
40a8ef1ba7c6   redis:3-alpine                    "docker-entrypoint.s…"   5 hours ago      Up 5 hours                 6379/tcp                                              musicbrainz-docker-redis-1

I can’t see any of this 5000 port variants in the above list.

In previous versions of Ubuntu, there was never any special handling for these ports.

What could I check or change?

The ports would only show up if the container “musicbrainz-docker-musicbrainz-1” had started correctly, but we’ll need to figure out why it exited. Considering I don’t have MB running in Docker (and don’t have the time to set it up to test with right now), I’m not sure how much help I can be.

You can take a look at the logs and see if you can find lines that look like error messages for that container: sudo docker compose logs --timestamps musicbrainz