Incomplete string is not translatable

I came across an incomplete new string for today’s beta version that I can’t translate because a word is missing:

Explore links are not officially connected to a location. If you want to link a [what?] to a location, try and find the place’s Instagram profile instead, if there’s one.


The missing word seems to be “place”, is that right @reosarevok?

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Whoops. Yes, that sounds right.

We fixed this string and some other new error messages about URL cleanup too.
Those are available for translation. Updated already translated messages in beta.


Could someone explain what this string means? I don’t use Instagram, and I’m a bit confused because place and location are also MusicBrainz terminology. What kind of page is being linked to what kind of MusicBrainz entity?

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I think that string has been written with a specific example of location explore link about a place in mind. But Instagram links can be added to MB artist, event, label, place, and series. And only Instagram profiles are allowed to be added. So it is likely we should rephrase it in a simpler way with a broader meaning.

The idea is that explore links are only for a specific real-world location on Instagram, IIRC, so I don’t expect anyone to want to link it to an artist or whatnot, just to a place. I might be wrong though, and I’m not against simplifying it further.

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Here is an example: try adding to

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It doesn’t really need to be simplified, but I was confused because I wasn’t sure if place and location were meant as MusicBrainz terminology (and location isn’t really used on MusicBrainz) or Instagram terminology. I thought that maybe “location” was some kind of Instagram feature.

Oh, I didn’t realize tags work with /explore. Then maybe we should generalize the wording, yes :slight_smile: