Incomplete import and wrong last import timestamp

Hi All,

I’m having trouble with importing my data to ListenBrainz.

I ran the importer and it seemed to work. It imported 9059 pages of data in about 1.5 hours. In the end it reported a success, with the number of imported listens matching the number of scrobbles in my profile:


However, ListenBrainz listen count is not equal to the imported number (the same incorrect number is displayed in my profile page and reported by API):

$ curl -s | jq
  "payload": {
    "count": 395268

The number of listens exported from ListenBrainz to JSON file is again different, looks like it’s sort of rounded down from the number above:

$ jq '. | length' Alioth_lb-2022-09-23.json 

Finally, the latest import timestamp is wrong. It should correspond to early hours of 2022-09-23, but it is zero:

$ curl -s | jq
  "latest_import": 0,
  "musicbrainz_id": "Alioth"

I tried importing my data from scratch several times in the last three weeks, and I got similar results with every attempt. The number of listens was different each time, but always too small. After each import I waited a few days to check if the number would become correct later, but that never happened.

My expectations are that after importing data from

  • The number of listens displayed in ListenBrainz profile page or returned by API should match the number of scrobbles in;
  • the number of listens exported to JSON should match the number displayed in the profile page;
  • the latest import timestamp should not be zero.

This is obviously not the case. Could someone check why is it happening? Or maybe my expectations are wrong?


Thanks for the report. I’ll investigate.


I went through open tickets in Jira, and at first glance it looks like it can be related to these two issues (although this doesn’t explain wrong last import timestamp):

Is there a plan to prioritize fixing them? If we want ListenBrainz to become more popular, having a working importer is a must.

This has now been reported by other people as well: Importing from doesn’t import all scrobbles


Exactly, for me this is holding me back from adopting Listenbrainz completely. I’m in favor of migrating from to Listenbrainz but this is holding me back. I don’t want to abandon my accumulated listens.


Hi! Yes, there are plans to improve the existing importer. We intend to completely rework it so that it works in the background like the spotify connector. That will allow us to deal with some of these transient errors better. However, that means its not a simple fix will take some time to do.

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Hi, is this problem still existing? I just imported my data. I miss 5000 scrobbles.

And I can only import 165 out of 346 loved tracks.


Best regards

Have you tried resetting the time stamp and running the importer a second time? You can find this option at the bottom of settings > import listens.

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Yes, I have done this. The first time, the difference was much greater (>40.000).

Is it just me who’s having issues with the importer lately?
None of my scrobbles from the past 24 hours or so appear among my LB listens. In fact those listens from today and yesterday that do appear in my LB profile are the ones submitted directly from Spotify to Listenbrainz (using Web Scrobbler) but not those I scrobbled through other means (local audio files, streaming from other devices, etc.).
And yes, I did re-try running the importer after resetting the time stamp.

Not sure if you’re still having trouble as you posted this ~3 hours ago, but I just imported a day or three of history and it all seems to be there.

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Yeah, it works again and I didn’t even attempt another import. Everything I tried adding on my previous import is finally there.

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