Import Discogs releases to MusicBrainz does not work anymore for me.
I have lost my import button
I use firefox: 115.16 (64 bits)
Import Discogs releases to MusicBrainz does not work anymore for me.
I have lost my import button
I use firefox: 115.16 (64 bits)
This happened to me on a recent update of Tampermonkey beta. Switching back to regular Tampermonkey fixed it. Are you using Tampermonkey?
yes I do use tampermonkey and I have tried another browser and that did not work either.
How do I switch back to regular tampermoneky and how do I know if i use beta?
I have Tampermonkey 5.3.1
You’d know because it’s a completely separate installation. My version is 5.3.0 at the moment. It’s still working but I’ve been concerned that whatever bug was introduced in Beta would make it to the main version…
Well I guess I have wait to see if some one else has the problem and if they can fix it.
Looks like it’s been reported, but you could always chime in.
It still does not work or did I miss something?
Follow this ticket to see when it’s fixed
You might also try running the scripts that aren’t working in Tampermonkey with Violentmonkey instead. It’s working for me in Vivaldi.
Or edit the userscript and replace the following lines:
// @require lib/mbimport.js
// @require lib/logger.js
// @require lib/mblinks.js
// @require lib/mbimportstyle.js
// @require
// @require
// @require
// @require
Jeeeeeees ty so much. Working like a charm. Thank you again
Thank you @jesus2099!
I was also able to apply your fix to the Bandcamp importer. Here is the replacement code:
// @require
// @require
// @require
// @require
// @require