I would like to know if the $if function supports the scripting as below:
Per the docs, the $if function is as follows
so my curiosity is
, $noop(else)
Essentially what I’m after is the ability to execute blocks of code in the “then” and “else” parts of the $if function.
Would I need to code something like this…
, $noop(else)
Would something like this work currently:
$noop(Check for missing "artist" value as well.)
$noop(If there is a value in the "artists" field, then set the "artist" field to the first artist listed in the multi-value "artists")
I don’t know. Is it possible to use blocks of code in each of those sections? If not, would it mean I have to do multiple $if 's one after another to execute each line of code I would like in a “code block”