Idea for calculation of a "top genres" chart

I would like to see a “Top Genres” list on the (personal) Stats pages. I thought of a idea.

We have some top artists list A of some time range T. Now we want to calculate a statistic of a genre “genre*”.


(score([genre],[artist]) is the score of the genre [genre] of artist [artist].)

The Top Genres list would be calculated based on this statistic “my_genre_stat” (in descending order).


Edit: Negative genre scores are of course ignored in this calculation, otherwise it would get weird results.


I’ve got no real input on all the math, but it sounds like a great general concept~

one thought tho, I feel like it’s not as simple as taking the genres of the artists (for several reasons, mostly because quite a lot of artists have a wide range of genres). since genres can be tagged on all levels (recordings, releases, release groups, artists, labels, etc.), it might be better to use the most specific entity’s genres over the more general entity’s?

all in all tho, I’m all for more charts and stats~


I can see two problems with it:

  • Artist genres don’t reflect recording genres. You can have an artist that do mainly rock, but you are only intrested into their 2 pop songs. If you use that, you’d get rock in your stats, when you don’t listen to it.
  • Using scores is nice for big artists with lots of tags, but breakdown when there’s too few of them.

I’d rather have the naive approach and if a genre is listed for a recording, add +1 to the genre


Or offer both options :smiley:

I can see that, but that would require more server resources. And I think the naive approach would satisfy most people.

Although I wouldn’t mind at least trying that other algorithm, to at least see if it’s that bad or not