How to propagate "Extra title information" into tags?

Hello, “Extra title information” on MusicBrainz web are visible in parenthases after “Release Title”. Release Title is being propagated into “album” tag, but i cant see “Extra title information” part anywhere in tags served by Picard.

How can I import “Extra title information” into Picard tagged files?

Extra info:
The target use case is: for releases “SomeTitle (Regular Edition)” and "SomeTitle (Limited Edition), both having different sets of tracks, I want Picard to tag and save tagged files to folders “SomeTitle (Regular Edition)” and "SomtTitle (Limited Edition). Parts in parenthases are “Extra title information” which I dont see in imported tags. Thus it’s impossible for me to move those files into mentioned folders.


Try using this script ind Options > Advanced > Scripting:

$set(album,$if(%_releasecomment%,%album% \(%_releasecomment%\),%album%))

This should set the disambiguation comment (which is what you referred to extra title information) as part of the album title tag, e.g. “SomeTitle (Regular Edition)” (given I have made no mistake in the script, since I mostly wrote this from memory and it is late here).


That work :smiley:. Thank You very much @outsidecontext :smiley:

Note: confused on documentation though says “Extra title information” is exactly for that. But I’ll take it. I’m happy :smile: