How to handle badly mangled Messiah release

I’m wondering how best to handle this release ( and its accompanying recordings. It is clearly the same (matching cover art, barcodes, etc.) as this release ( except that the track titles and timings are badly mismatched. The track timings of the bad release (which has no discid or acoustids) match those of the good release except that tracks 9-15 are missing. But the resulting match of timings and track titles makes no sense. The bad release has the entire Pifa / There Were Shepherds / And Suddenly / Glory to God sequence in a track that is 28 seconds long. Once it gets to Rejoice Greatly, the track times match quite well, so one could simply merge those tracks. But I’m not sure what to do with the tracks before that. Any suggestions?

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After considering the evidence for the hypothesis that that 1CD Release c9f5863e-3300-46bb-8333-84fd82050b41 is a mangled version of 2CD Release 0362c231-a9d9-4a52-bf84-00f0e5835d22 which includes the same linked Amazon release, track titles, track times, and an explanation for the mangling through a scratched CD being ripped and then all created files being numbered inside a single folder, and there being no reason for there actually being a separate 1CD release with entire Pifa / There Were Shepherds / And Suddenly / Glory to God sequence in a track that is 28 seconds long, I see that your conclusion is very well founded.

Therefore I think you would be justified to change the mangled Release to a 2CD Release and change the tracks to match the tracks of the valid Release.
And then merge.

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That makes sense to me. Thanks!

I’ve made these edits. The merge is and references this discussion.


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