How to fix listenbrainz pointing to the wrong youtube video?

This track Recording “Dolmen Music, Part 1 (Shodekeh’s Embody & Continuums remix)” by Shodekeh, Max Bent, DJ Dubble8, Kate Porter & Bonnie Lander - MusicBrainz points to the wrong youtube video on listenbrainz.

The track is available on youtube

Is there anyway to fix this?

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Currently no. I don’t recall the ticket number but IIRC there’s one

Relevant issues for anyone who’s interested

It’d be great if listenbrainz could use the musicbrainz youtube link when available, or provide a link to youtube option similar to the link to musicbrainz option.


yeah, i have two other songs which are in the same condition:

blue by buckethead is pointing to “blue slide” by the same author but the right link is

good love is on the way by john mayer is pointing to the live version but there’s a studio version at

Hopefully with harmony adding external links to recordings this will be picked up