How to enter an audio drama into the database the best?

Is MusicBrainz really the place for non music stuff?

Wonder Woman seems to be a film.
Well if it includes the film soundtrack, okay, but otherwise… :thinking:
Artist interviews, or other stuff like that, that revolves around music, okay.

I mean should we really pull our hair out for these radio fictions, etc. I feel they would more likely fit some kind of MovieBrainz.
Well I do also have some story based non-music release (also some Sounds of the forest kind of record), but I would not really mind if I should remove them from MB one day.


But it’s just random thinking, I agree I would also try to set those records in MB like my others records because I’m building up my collection here.

Even if somehow, I don’t think I will see many relationships between these records and my music records and it’s mainly those links that are interesting to discover other non-obvious stuff my artists have worked on.

But I don’t mean don’t do it.