How to check acoustic fingerprint of each recording when adding a release

When adding a release, I believe every one is making a dicision: should a new recoding be generated or not. I basically check title, artist, and the release to check whether the suggested recording is equal to the track.

But, there are several cases that this is still not enough; espicially for an artist who makes different recording between single CD and album CD. In this case, acoustic fingerprint will be a great hint…but problem is: it doesn’t show up in the working screen.

I know that I can check the fingerprint shown in the Picard, and then compare it which is shown in fingerprint tab of indevidual recording page. But, its quite a work to show individual recording page for each suspicious recordings; one-by-one, and then go to fingerprint tab.

Any good short-cuts for this?

One option I’m thinking is: As the fingerprints will be shown in merge screen, should I create recordings for each track anyway, and then do merging. But I’m not feeling well about creating recording which will be merged immediately…


Yes I think it’s the safest and most convenient way.
Especially when you have slightest doubts. :slight_smile:

Once new recordings exist, you can click their ISRC, click their AcoustID, and see if there are other susceptible pre-existing identical recordings.
Then, if you are to merge something, please merge the duplicates towards the pre-existing reocrdings.

Sometimes same ISRC, same AcoustID, and/or same duration do not make identical recordings for sure.
Some knowledge about this artist discography is also welcome.


I am another one who will do this. It can allow for better focus of the workload - especially on a multi-disc set. This is mainly based on the theory that I’m adding an album that isn’t in the database, and has not been here for 10 years. So if someone needs to wait another week for me to check and merge the recordings this is no real loss in overall time.

The other side advantage of this method is it also allows me to assess some other related recordings and see if they are good enough matches to be merged at the same time.

I also like this slow approach as it makes it easier to do the deeper research into a discography. One of my favourite parts is I end up learning a lot more about some of my favourite artists. Especially if I get distracted into all those performers again :joy:

Slow database editing is some of the most rewarding. :smile:


Thank you all! I’ll go with make-recording-then-merge method.