Hi Everyone,
I am pretty new to metabrainz, I am asked to develop a mobile app that take a search term for places from user and then show the resluts as a pin on a map. I am asked to use the https://wiki.musicbrainz.org/Development API.
I have gone through the musicbrainz API in this page:
and I think the “Place” api should the right API for my application.
I try to call the API like using this URL:
I just would like to confirm that the way that I am calling the API is correct. The reason I am asking because I found the return data is mismatch , some data have a field named “coordinates” include place’s latitude and longitude which I can use to show the pin on the map but some return places do not have coordinates. Some places have “address” filed some do not have.Some places have “life-span” filed some do not have.(I need somehow to use this life-span field in my application also)
So I am thinking maybe the way that I am calling the api is wrong that is why it returning wrong data , or maybe this is not the right API to call?
Also I have another question is there any limit in calling this API?Or I can call this API as much as I want in my app? Do I need to register an account to use this API or it is open?
I would be grateful if anyone can help me.
Thank you in advance.