Harmony: Music Metadata Aggregator and MusicBrainz Importer

Than this is the wrong topic I think

That answers my question, thanks. I would not have assumed that adding a MB URL gets me where I want though, maybe this should be explained somewhere a bit more.

Small request:

Can you move the link for ISRC submission
Open with MagicISRC (right)

to the left:
Open with MagicISRC (left)

This would be less disruptive when using an extension such as Linkclump to open multiple links. Otherwise, when the external ID link(s) are present, it will overlap with the icon links:

Regarding release group type detection. The Spotify API doesn’t distinguish EP and single. Would it be viable to scrape the Spotify website?

<title>Everything is mental - EP by Nous Klear | Spotify</title>

Or guess the type from other fields like the description on Beatport:


In order for Harmony to provide the link to a MB release it needs to look this up in some way. It does not need to be the MB release URL necessarily. It could also be a Spotify link with MB provider enabled. If Harmony would find a matching release by barcode on MB then it would also show the actions link.

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Of course it needs to look it up, it just didn’t match the UI flow I was used to from atisket I guess. With atisket, you would always get a link to the ISRC import tool (not MagicISRC though) on the page where you could also start the MB import process, and I often used this when updating releases someone else had already created.

From the way it is described at the link you gave, it doesn’t sound like artist intent, just a “dumb” track count/length threshold.

Might not be the right place, or it might be - could we have it so we can seed ISRC’s from the first page please?

Atisket used to have this and its really useful for filling in blanks left by prior editors!


I think that’s exactly what I asked for above :slight_smile:

oops, I didn’t read :laughing: i just went straight to the bottom

so yeah, what @elomatreb said :wink:

I’d love to be able to see composer credits in the harmony UI somewhere. I spend quite a bit of time awkwardly clicking through songs in the spotify UI to get those, would be super helpful to have those just presented in a nice way. (Not suggesting automatically creating works since that seems a stretch currently, although it’s nice to dream of.)


I don’t think Spotify exposes any composer information in its API.

Would love to see something like this as well. In the last few days i’ve been thinking about doing it with a userscript somehow but i’m not quite there yet, skill wise :laughing:
Exposing songwriters and producers has been in their “to do” list for a long time, apparently - Songwriter & producer credits in API · Issue #779 · spotify/web-api · GitHub

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I just ran across first class songwriter credits on the song El CLúB from the new Bad Bunny album, linking to MAG is a songwriter.

Have a doubt about recording relationships. Right now spotify links (and similar) point to the release, and thus are added as relationships to it

Would it be possible to add the actual links to every track also at the recording level? (since we are importing digital releases from these streaming services, there is no ambiguity about them matching the recording or being other versions)

One of the main problems ListenBrainz is facing when exporting playlists to Spotify is the linking (it misses a lot), but if there were links already populated at MB it would be much easier.

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  • that would give more reasons to make BrainzPlayer use recorsing urls

I’ve already created tickets for this, both on Harmony and MBS

I agree that this would be an extremely handy feature to have, and adding it to a major importer like Harmony would be a way to get through the chicken-and-egg problem we’ve got currently