Harmony: Music Metadata Aggregator and MusicBrainz Importer

Forceful new tabs can be very annoying. If I wanted a new tab I’d do it myself.
In the case of release imports, especially when I add many releases at once these “tabs” are deadweight, take up space, require more steps to finish an import session, methods to force current tab don’t work reliably, etc.

There are more bad reasons to force new tabs than good ones[1]

Perhaps not so well known (anymore), using target='_blank' can also pose a security [2][3] and performance issue.[4]

BTW, ever wondered about the history of target='_blank'?[5]

Fun fact: target='_blank' has been considered user hostile since the 90s[6] (via German blog post with more than 400 comments)

Also consider that a new tab/window has no history → back button doesn’t work or that every new tab/window requires extra resources.
(There was a time I exclusively used a Chromebook with 4GB RAM for a year. Many tabs? Not pleasurable)

If anything there should be a preference, or stay with the default and let the user decide whether navigation triggers a new tab/window.

  1. When to use target="_blank" | CSS-Tricks - CSS-Tricks) ↩︎

  2. The target="_blank" vulnerability by example - DEV Community ↩︎

  3. About rel=noopener ↩︎

  4. The performance benefits of rel=noopener - JakeArchibald.com ↩︎

  5. HTML postmortem: frameset and its legacy - DEV Community ↩︎

  6. The Top 10 Web Design Mistakes of 1999 ↩︎