GSOC: Bookbrainz - Administration System Panel

I have experience in developing web applications and APIs. I am familiar with technologies such as Node.js, Express.js, and React, and I am excited about contributing to the BookBrainz project.

The proposed project will require modifying the existing database schema by adding tables to define roles and attach users to roles. A simple admin panel webpage will be developed using Node.js, Express.js, and a frontend framework (such as React). Middleware will also be developed to secure specific routes according to a user’s roles using Passport.js, an authentication middleware for Node.js. Additionally, the project may include developing a page to allow privileged users to edit and add relationships and identifiers, and a public log of administration actions.

The implementation of user roles and an admin panel for BookBrainz will provide valuable functionality for managing user accounts and privileges. I am excited about the opportunity to work on this project and believe it will contribute significantly to the BookBrainz project.

Is there any deadline for the proposal with initial contributions for the project?

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Welcome @veerpratap !

The GSOC timeline says the application period starts March 20th and ends April 4th: