GSOC 2024: Set up BookBrainz for Internationalization - aabbi15

GSOC 2024: Set up BookBrainz for Internationalization

Pdf version - GSOC 2024: Set up BookBrainz for Internationalization

ReadMe version -

Proposed Mentors: monkey

Languages/skills: Javascript/Typescript

Estimated Project Length: 175 hours

Project Size: Medium

Expected outcomes: Full translation project and workflow set up, with as much as possible of the website text captured for translation

Contact Information

Name : Abhishek

IRC Nickname : aabbi15

TimeZone: UTC +05:30

Email :

GitHub : aabbi15 (Abhishek Abbi) ¡ GitHub

Twitter :


Project Overview

BookBrainz is currently available only in the English language which limits it from catering to the global audience.

Therefore, we want to internationalize the website, enabling it to support multiple languages and thereby, extending its user base.

The MusicBrainz team has already worked on internationalization and moved to use a Weblate server for the same. So the project would include setting up a new translation project on the same Weblate server, integrating a suitable internationalization framework (i18next) and setting up a workflow for continuous translation updates.

This will enhance the user experience for non-English speakers and contribute to the growth of the BookBrainz community.


Here are a list of goals that would be expected for the project to be considered as completed. I have also listed optional goals in the end.

  1. Create a new project on the Weblate server specifically for BookBrainz translations.
  2. Configure the project settings and permissions for translators and reviewers.
  3. Install and configure the i18next library in the BookBrainz codebase.
  4. Implement the necessary components and frontend to display translated text in the application.
  5. Identify and extract as much as possible user-facing text that requires translation.
  6. Ensure that all text is properly formatted, divided into components and ready for translation.
  7. Create separate translation files and directories.
  8. Design a JSON/csv format for updating the translations.
  9. Documenting the Internationalization process used in BB in detail for future developers.


  1. Translate a subset of BookBrainz text into Hindi to demonstrate the internationalization workflow.

Integrating the react-i18next framework

Upon exploring various options for internationalization such as Polyglot, LinguiJS, Globalize, FormatJS, Next-translate, and react-intl in React, I’ve chosen to use react-i18next due to its comprehensive features, ease of integration with React applications, extensive documentation, and other reasons mentioned below.

Why i18next?

  • User Language Detection: i18next offers plugins that automatically detects the users language using various methods like cookies, sessionStorage, localStorage and htmlTags.
  • Translation Loading: i18next offers convenient methods to load translations from the server, caching them in the local storage or combining both of them.
  • i18n formats: There are a range of options such as fluent and basic JSON, allowing us to choose the preferred internationalization format that suits our needs.
  • Flexibility: i18next is highly customizable, allowing us to use different date formatting libraries, adjust interpolation prefixes and suffixes, or even use gettext-style keys.
  • Plugins and Utils: i18next offers a REALLY WIDE range of plugins/utils that can be used to customize our preferences as well as help in other features such as integrating backends, extracting text, post processing or creating our own plugins(mostly will not be required).
  • Scalability: i18next supports the separation of translations into multiple files and loading them on demand, which is ideal for larger projects.
  • Ecosystem: There is a robust ecosystem of modules built around i18next, including tools for extracting translations from code, bundling translations with webpack, and converting between different translation formats.

Preferred options in react-18next

  • Format - I have chosen i18next JSON v4 as it is the default format for the i18next framework with dense documentation/examples available for referral. I18next-fluent was a close second but its complexity for translations is not necessary in our use case.
  • Loading translations - For a large website such as BB with infrequent language switches and updates, caching translations would be preferred to enhance performance and reduce the number of calls to the server to fetch translations.
  • Detecting user language: The built-in plugin i18next-browser-languageDetector can be used for this purpose and preferences will be paid to cookies and domain.
  • Extracting text: i18next-scanner is an API which would parse through the codebase to get key-value pairs. (This would obviously require manual improvements and checks)

Capturing text for translation

  • Identify all the texts that need internationalization based on the decided components. This will include all the alerts and messages as well.
  • Mark the identified text for translation by replacing a hardcoded string such as “Welcome to BookBrainz” with t(‘welcome_to_bookbrainz’)
  • Extract the strings using a builtin library by i18next which is called i18next-scanner and i18next-parser for this feature.
  • Add these parsed json templates to their respective files in the locales folder.
  • Provide the template file in .json format to the translators by uploading the locales folder to weblate

Managing dynamic texts, plurals and genders

  • i18next provides us with handy features to manage plural translations an example of this is available on their documentation website which you can check out here: Plurals | i18next documentation

  • Gender specific translations can also be mentioned with the help of prebuilt i18next function parameters such as this:

  • Dynamic translations can be managed by using the interpolation functions provided by i18next which work like this:

Configuring i18next

The code for initializing i18next in a project using our desired options would look like this would look like this:

import i18next from 'i18next'

import { initReactI18next } from 'react-i18next'

import HttpApi from 'i18next-http-backend'

import LanguageDetector from 'i18next-browser-languagedetector'

import resourcesToBackend from 'i18next-resources-to-backend'

const i18nOptions = {

defaultNS: 'main',

supportedLngs: ['en', 'de', 'fr','hi'],

fallbackLng: 'en',

debug: false,

// Options for language detector

detection: {

order: ['path', 'cookie', 'htmlTag'],

caches: ['cookie'],







.use(resourcesToBackend((language, namespace) => import (`/public/assets/locales/${language}/${namespace}.json`)))


ns: [ 'main','header','footer'],



Translation Files Structure

The files for translations will be stored in a folder structure as such.

  • Locales

  • <lang_name>

  • <namespace_name>.json

  • <namespace2_name>.json

  • <namespace3_name>.json

  • <lang2_name>

  • <namespace_name>.json

  • <namespace2_name>.json

  • <namespace3_name>.json

An example of this folder structure can be seen as in my demo website, which offers translations in four languages. These translations are further divided into three namespaces: header, footer, and main.

Essentially, namespaces in i18next are like categories or containers that group related translation keys together. This organization makes it easier to manage translations, especially as the project grows and becomes more complex. For example, in BB we can create a separate namespace for each of the different components such as Relationships, Attributes, Languages, Countries, etc.

This reduces the load on the server as namespaces are only loaded when a page requires them.

Demo Project

I have been experimenting with internationalization and here is a demo project in which I implemented it using a simple React App and i18next. I was focusing mainly on the working of translation. (Don’t focus on the UI, it was built in just a couple of days).

Github link

Demo link

Translation Components

Here is the list of tentative components that will be set up for translation as of now.


All the lists of places to display the birth/death places of the author and the place where a publisher is registered.


The entities - author, work, edition, edition group, publisher and series, and the way they are linked together allow us to describe what “a book” really is. So the translation of their name and description is essential.


This includes different terms along with their meanings mentioned here.


This denotes the language that a book was written in.


This denotes the messages and alerts shown on the screen to users by the BB server.

Work types

It contains all the types of work you can assign to a work/book. Also includes their description. Reference given below -

Relationship Names

Includes only the different relationship names as mentioned here.

Relationship Descriptions

This includes all the additional details for the relationships. Reference given below -

Achievements and Profile

It includes all the achievements from Achievement_type as well as the profile details of each user.For example the attributes of this user:

Setting up Weblate

Create a new weblate project

On the existing weblate server of MetaBrainz (, we will create a new project for Bookbrainz.

Connect it to the BB Github Repository

We will create a new component and then link it to our github repository as follows. A new branch for managing these translations will also be required. Afterwards an SSH key will need to be added for authentication purposes.


Adding all the valid Components to weblate

The created project in weblate is like a shelf, in which real translations are stacked. All components in the same project share suggestions and their dictionary; the translations are also automatically propagated through all components in a single project.

Components are added directly on the weblate server from their project homepage by using the desired configurations. Here are some snapshots from the weblate server site which would help give an overview of how that looks.

Once added, weblate automatically detects the translation files and the added component looks like this.


  1. Repository Structure:
  • locales-dev Directory: Located within the main repository, this directory is used by developers to add or update translation keys and default translations.
  • locales Directory: Also within the main repository, this directory is used for production-ready translations and is managed by Weblate.
  1. Development Process:
  • Developers work on translations in the locales-dev directory.
  • When translations are ready to be moved to production, the ops team copies the updated content from locales-dev to locales through a pull request for review and version control.
  1. Weblate Integration:
  • Weblate is configured to track the locales directory for translation changes.
  • A webhook triggers Weblate to update its translation projects when changes are pushed to the locales directory.
  • Translators provide translations within Weblate, which are periodically committed back to the locales directory but not automatically pushed.
  1. Deployment:

The deployment process includes the locales directory, ensuring that the live website serves the latest approved translations.

  1. Continuous Translation:

The workflow repeats with developers updating the locales-dev directory, the ops team handling the transfer to locales, and translators working in Weblate.


Key Consistency test

Used to check if the names of the keys are consistent across all languages. The code for it could look something like this:

const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');

const localesDir = path.join(__dirname, 'locales');
const languages = fs.readdirSync(localesDir); //this reads all languages

let referenceKeys = null;
let valid= true;

languages.forEach((language) => {
const languageDir = path.join(localesDir, language);
const files = fs.readdirSync(languageDir);

files.forEach((file) => {
const filePath = path.join(languageDir, file);
const translations = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(filePath, 'utf8'));
const keys = Object.keys(translations);

if (referenceKeys === null) {

referenceKeys = keys;
} else {
// Check consistency with the set keys
const missingKeys = referenceKeys.filter((key) => !keys.includes(key));
const extraKeys = keys.filter((key) => !referenceKeys.includes(key));

if (missingKeys.length > 0 extraKeys.length > 0) {
valid= false;
console.error(`Inconsistency found in ${language}/${file}:`);
if (missingKeys.length > 0) {
console.error(` Missing keys: ${missingKeys.join(', ')}`);
if (extraKeys.length > 0) {
console.error(` Extra keys: ${extraKeys.join(', ')}`);

if (valid) {
console.log('All translation files are OK.');
} else {
console.error('Error! Check above logs');

Missing translation files check

Used to check that files for all components are present in the folder for each language. It could look something like this:

const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');

const localesDir = './locales';
const languageCode = 'en-US'; // Language code to check make it into a //variable later on as number of languages increase

function getTranslationFiles(dir) {
return fs.readdirSync(dir)
.filter(file => path.extname(file) === '.json')
.map(file => path.basename(file, '.json'));

function checkMissingTranslations() {
const folders = fs.readdirSync(localesDir).filter(folder => fs.statSync(path.join(localesDir, folder)).isDirectory());
const referenceFiles = getTranslationFiles(path.join(localesDir, languageCode));

folders.forEach(folder => {
if (folder !== languageCode) {
const folderFiles = getTranslationFiles(path.join(localesDir, folder));
const missingFiles = referenceFiles.filter(file => !folderFiles.includes(file));

if (missingFiles.length > 0) {
console.log(`Missing translation files in '${folder}': ${missingFiles.join(', ')}`);
} else {
console.log(`No missing translation files in '${folder}'.`);


JSON validity check

Since our translation files would be stored in a JSON format. We would need to check that the updated files are correct. The code would look something like this:

const fs = require("fs");

const path = require("path");

const { argv } = require("process");

if (argv.length != 3) {


"This script takes exactly one argument: `node checkJSONValidity.js <path_to_directory>"





`Recursively validating JSON files in the '${argv[2]}' directory...`


function* walkSync(dir) {

const files = fs.readdirSync(dir, { withFileTypes: true });

for (const file of files) {

if (file.isDirectory()) {

yield* walkSync(path.join(dir,;

} else {

if (".").pop() === "json") {

yield path.join(dir,;

} else {






// for each files in locales directory, we check json validity

for (const filePath of walkSync(`${argv[2]}`)) {

try {

let rawdata = fs.readFileSync(filePath);


} catch (e) {

console.error(`Error while parsing json file '${filePath}'`, e);

return 1;



console.log(`Success! all JSON files are valid.`);

return 0;

source code


  • May 1 - May 26: Community Bonding period

  • Go through the documentation of i18next thoroughly.

  • Dive deep into the weblate documentation for configuration of the github repository to our weblate server.

  • Connecting with monkey and other project mentors to discuss the project and in general the future of MetaBrainz.

  • May 27 - June 2: Coding period - Week 1-2

  • Install the required libraries and check their version requirements.

  • Set up all the directories and files required for translation at their correct location.

  • Configure the i18next options correctly according to the required need and initialize it.

  • Create a new Weblate project for BookBrainz in the existing server. Configure project settings and required permissions.

  • Focus on translating the homepage of the website first in a couple of languages (For eg. Spanish and French).

  • Identify all the user-facing text in the homepage that needs translation.

  • Start marking the identified texts with t(‘ ’) tags from i18next.

  • Setup the locales directory required for storing the translation files.

  • June 10 - June 16 : Coding period - Week 3

  • Add a temporary test-homepage component in the BB Weblate project.

  • Add the user-facing (now marked text) to the translation files.

  • Merge the weblate server with the locales folder for translators to access the translations.

  • Add a few mock translations and check if it is being displayed correctly.

  • June 17 - June 30: Coding period - Week 4-5

  • Now, identify all the user-facing text that needs translation for a particular subset of BookBrainz.

  • Start tagging them with the t(‘ ‘ ) tags provided with the useTranslation() component from i18next.

  • July 1 - July 7: Coding period - Week 6

  • Parse the user-facing (now marked text) using i18next libraries to extract the text in desired .json format.

  • Divide the said text into components and add them to their .json files.

  • Finish setting up all the translation files in the locales folder according to their respective components by dividing them into namespaces.

  • July 8 - July 14: Coding period - Week 7

  • Buffer week

  • Write documentation for the work done until now.

  • Prepare a mid-evaluation report

  • Mid Term Evaluation

  • July 15 - July 21: Coding period - Week 8

  • Work with translators to translate a subset of BookBrainz text into any target language.

  • Ensure the workflow for getting translations and implementing them in the server is done correctly for the translated subset of BB.

  • Write tests.

  • July 22 - July 28: Coding period - Week 9

  • Test the internationalization workflow and ensure that translations are displayed correctly in the application.

  • Make sure to capture as much text as possible for translation. And continue adding them to translation files.

  • July 29 - September 4: Coding period - Week 10-11

  • Continue testing the internationalization implementation.

  • Fix any required bugs and make any necessary adjustments based on feedback from translators and the mentors.

  • Develop automated tests to verify the functionality of our i18n implementation.

  • September 12 - September 18: Coding period - Week 12

  • Buffer Week

  • Write documentation for the complete workflow.

  • Prepare the final evaluation report.

  • Final Evaluation

The buffer weeks are stored in case I fall behind schedule in any of the weeks. Otherwise I would continue the work in order by doing the work for the upcoming week.

About Me

Hey! I’m Abhishek Abbi, a BTech student at DA-IICT. I’m all about diving deep into the world of web development and bringing cool ideas to life. I’m part of the Google Student Developers Club at my college, where we geek out on coding and collaborate on some pretty awesome projects.

I’ve had the chance to intern as a full-stack developer at Maitri Manthan and PGAGI, and let me tell you, it’s been a blast! From brainstorming ideas to launching them into the real world, I’ve learned a ton and had a lot of fun along the way.

When I’m not coding, you can find me on the football field or working out in the gym. I find it really comforting to stay active. Plus, it’s a great way to relax after a long day behind the desktop!

When did I first start programming?

I first started programming when I was 16 years old, in my 10th grade. I found programming very fascinating from what I was taught in my school and so decided to join coaching classes to learn more about it. My first real coding experience there was in C++, where I learnt the basics of data structures and Object oriented programming.

Since then, it has been a really amazing journey towards cracking a good IT college, learning web Development with React, making a ton of projects and now contributing to open source.

My contributions at BookBrainz

I have been active in both the BookBrainz and MetaBrainz IRC channel from January. Due to health issues, I was unavailable for a couple of weeks in between. SInce joining, my main focus was getting to know the BB codebase and working structure really well. I have also attended a few of the Monday weekly meetings that occur and shared my work progress as well as gained insights from the devs.

I have worked on a few tickets until now and all of them have helped me in understanding the BB code even better. The tickets focused on updating SQL databases, fixing a RegEx bug in the code and also adding a new feature for allowing users to choose dimension units.

This was the first major Open Source Org that I have contributed to and so the learning was hard but I believe I am up to speed with the codebase now to make even faster contributions. Here are my PRs for BookBrainz along with a few tickets I have been working on:

Personal Projects and Experience

I have been building projects since the past couple of years and here are a few of them:

  • Maitri Manthan Internships: This website was a complete end to end project built by me during my duration of internsip at Maitri Manthan Org. It offers remote internship offers for people to contribute to the society. Check it out live here
  • PG-AGI website: While I was working at this startup, I made a landing page with call-booking features and other designs for them. YOu can check it out live here
  • Portfolio: This was my personal portfolio built using NextJS, Tailwind CSS, NodeJS and other React frameworks for email service as well as UX/UI components. You can see it live here.
  • There are many more projects including React Apps, Python scripts and Web-scraping apps that I have made personally in my free time that you can see in my portfolio mentioned above…

What type of music do I listen to?

I am really involved in almost all kinds of music. My favorite kind of music is mostly soft songs with really good vocals. Some of my favorite singers include

  • Ed Sheeran(b8a7c51f-362c-4dcb-a259-bc6e0095f0a6)
  • Arijit Singh(ed3f4831-e3e0-4dc0-9381-f5649e9df221)
  • Zayn Malik(985f7e6f-0a7e-4de7-b9ec-a5dac63cb2f7)
  • Harry Styles(7eb1ce54-a355-41f9-8d68-e018b096d427)

I have also lately been getting into hip-hop a lot these days with tracks from these being on my repeat list.

  • Central Cee(b0337af1-8d93-4671-b6c9-ba306bf942bf)
  • Dave(f93bac9e-b20a-403e-abc9-06a2fc151df1)
  • KR$NA(86ba68eb-ea24-4e78-a009-b35e99cb6193)

Here’s a few of my all time favorite songs along with their MBIDs:

  • Hotel California (b934e019-9426-4091-a1c4-6b7590dc6c47)
  • Watermelon Sugar (803eb995-2b7b-4a35-8d11-db2c9ff54989)
  • Sprinter (cd3bde26-2929-4404-86ef-4623e57b66cd)
  • No Cap (cea2e106-7d27-4917-84da-f0ba99170b57)
  • Tum Hi Ho (52ce59d7-9d12-405a-acbb-1e50970b81bb)
  • Trampoline (04430b31-0159-4b3c-bf2b-a7ac806535dd)
  • Shada (ea7cc5a7-2b89-4966-9903-1c1ee5a7cfe0)

What type of books do I read?

I mostly read self help books as I feel it helps me grow and become a better person. Occasionally, I indulge in some short-fiction books and comic books just to relax my mind for a while. Here’s some books which I have read along with their BBIDs:

  • Atomic Habits (20055e91-d0e9-446b-a841-aafa3eff6441)
  • The Psychology of Money (10fb9c4f-21b9-4c9c-9d7a-9aad275a7d31)
  • Diary of a Wimpy Kid (ed472f1-ef3c-45cb-9350-f05aa065e86c)
  • Deathnote Manga (8b467e1c-72e9-4654-9212-bb4559a8eec8)

What about BookBrainz intrigues me the most?

I feel that BookBrainz holds two important use cases that the users would benefit from:

  1. Sometimes I want to get resources about a book online but there are a lot of different articles/blogs offering reviews. The articles can be biased sometimes and I feel there is a need for all of this data to be concentrated into one place where I can get the history, the facts, the reviews as well as the description in one place.
  2. With the abundance of Ebooks and audiobooks in the market now. Maintaining a record of a book you have read/want to read would be much easier with the help of software rather than a physical library.
  3. BookBrainz can also kind of serve as a platform to find people who read the same books as you and connect to them. This can be done by checking out their public Collections. This feature is really good for finding reading buddies.

I feel once BookBrainz is filled abundantly with a lot of data it will become a really exciting platform for not only gathering book data but also to connect eith other fellow book readers.

Practical Requirements

My current computer during GSoc 2024

I have a Samsung Galaxy Book 3 Pro 360 with a 13th Gen Intel(R) Core™ i7-1360P 2.20 GHz Processor, 16 GB RAM, 1TB SSD, 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor, pen and touch support which is running Windows 11.

How much time will I dedicate?

I will be on my college summer break during the coding period for GSoC, which starts from May 27. So, this project will be my major focus during that period of time.Hence, I will be able to dedicate around 25-30 hours per week for the project.

This Is a tentative proposal and I would love some improvements/feedback from your side.


Hi @aabbi15, thanks for your proposal !

Regarding the "Translation Components" section

I think that section is a bit thin considering this is the main part of the project. Some more knowledge and planning here would be useful for your project.

For example regarding the areas, languages and relationships: the names and descriptions are pulled directly from the database, how do they get translated without the initial t(‘ ’) tags?

I think that’s where you would need to dig a but deeper into the current setup and components to know what is waiting for you.

The workflow is not very clear to me after reading the proposal. Both the “Adding all the valid Components to weblate” and “Workflow” sections don’t have much content or description to understand what the plan really is.

Consider that I am not knowledgeable in these technologies and that you need to explain it to me in that spirit.

What does “adding the valid components” mean? How does one do that?
Why are there two separated locale folders? Who copies what to where?
How are the translations loaded once the website is deployed?

Regarding the timeline:

Generally, you would be better off starting with setting up the project and converting a single page or component first (for example homepage) and making sure the entire workflow is set up and working, instead of waiting until week 8 or 9 before checking that it all actually works. That would be a very bad surprise if it didn't work and you spent most of your project on it already... (I guess in agile programming lingo they call it vertical slicing of a project, as opposed to horizontal slicing).

Bonding period:

Trying to understand the exact details of the project as well as requirements from this project.

Honestly, I think you should be doing that now to set yourself up for success
Week 1: Going through the documentation of i18next is a better candidate for the bonding period, again setting yourself up for success of your project.
Week 3: This is the only place you mention more complex ‘dynamic’ cases such as gendered language and plurals. That’s an important part of the project that should be described in the proposal rather than just a mention here
Week 6: both points read about the same to me
Week 8: I don’t understand the first point, can you rephrase it?
Week 10: I think a buffer week is probably best kept as last if you still have things you’re planning on working it right below
Week 11: What do the tests consist of? What are you testing, and in which workflow (CI tests?)? Probably worth a s;mall section in the project description.
In general, it’s best to write tests as you go because a) you might run out of time at the end and b) it’s never fun to arrive at the end of a project and be faced with a mountain of tests to write; hard to stay motivated for that…
Same goes for documentation
Week 12: “Test the robustness of the workflow by evaluating with tests” More details please! What are you testing and how?

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Thank you for the feedback, @mr_monkey! Upon reflection, I realize that my statements may have come across as somewhat vague. I will make the necessary corrections by tomorrow, employing a more specific and detailed approach involving more code snippets for demonstration purposes.

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@mr_monkey can you please elaborate a bit on this. I did assume that adding the list of areas, languages, relationships will be added directly from the database. But their translated version cannot be displayed on the frontend without the t('') tags. The respective translations however, can be stored in the translation files without the need of the t('') tag. But for displaying them we will need to use the t('') tag from i18next.

I have updated both the Adding components section and workflow sections for better understanding. Still here is some more context for you regarding the workflow:

  1. locales-dev Directory: Used by developers for adding and updating translation keys. This directory is not directly connected to Weblate.
  2. locales Directory: Contains production-ready translations managed by Weblate. Changes in this directory are tracked and updated in Weblate through a webhook.

The process now involves the ops team copying translations from locales-dev to locales via a pull request when they’re ready for production. This approach simplifies the workflow while maintaining a clear separation between development and production translations.

However, if you feel this approach is not required, we can always work with just one locales directory. I which, from Weblate, we can directly trigger a PR to a branch of the same repo that the dev are working on.
But that means weblate will have write access to your repo.
That also makes version handling difficult without having some source branch that is ALWAYS in sync with the version you’re trying to translate.

Thanks for mentioning this. Vertical slicing indeed is a better approach as it would help me understand things and fix things before making a big commitment to it. I have updated the project workflow according to the requirements.

I have added a separate section in the proposal for this. It is not a big inconvenience as most of the dynamic features come prebuilt with i18next.

I have tried my best to improve on all of the things that you mentioned. Kindly take a look at the updated proposal and let me know your feedback :smile:

1 Like

Thanks for updating your proposal!
I appreciate the extra details, and the timeline looks much better :slight_smile:

OK, this is the part that I don’t understand (perhaps from not working with i18n before…)
The text descriptions for relationship types (to take a single example) are stored in the database (see the SQL schema).
Since I assume we can’t automatically parse those texts from the codebase like we do for other texts, what does the workflow look like for translating those? What is the workflow when we update the description of a relationship type? Or when we create a new one?

Regarding the locales-dev folder, as far as I can see the MusicBrainz team is working with a separate branch called “translations” that is periodically manually merged into beta or production branch (that second method you mentioned): Comparing master...translations · metabrainz/musicbrainz-server · GitHub
Why does it make version handling difficult in your view?
I think that allows a bit more flexibility, but I lack the knowledge to make that call to be honest. You could ask someone on the MusicBrainz team on the metabrainz IRC channel for a quick explanation of why they chose a separate branch rather than a separate folder.

A side-note: the code for testing the validity of the JSON files does not look like you wrote it yourself (unless I am mistaken and you actually use yield* in your daily life)
You must credit or link to where you found the code, or at least mention it is not yours so as not to pass it as your own, that’s a big no-no.

For texts that are already present in the database, our work is much easier as we just have to write a JS script (potentially using the pg libary for it) which would collect the data from tables and we can convert it to JSON from there after on.
About updating the relationship names/descriptions or on adding new relationships, we would manually need to add them to the translation file since I do not think such updates would be made frequent enough for it to cause that big of an issue. (I might be wrong about this and am open to suggestions if you feel we do NEED to check for relationship updates with every new translation commit. I will look into options accordingly if that is the case.)

If we plan to roll out the translations as soon as they come for translators, I believe having a separate folder is better since each push of new translation keys from devs will correspond to a new version.

But if we take the approach of holding the translators work until it is approved (which MB seems to be following now), a translation branch will work just fine. So, it depends on what kind of infrastructure we want to be set up. Having a different branch will NOT make version handling difficult though having just one locale folder and committing translations directly into it will though.

Although I have asked the team on the MetaBrainz IRC channel for their feedback on the pros and cons of both approaches and will wait on their feedback to update the proposal if required.

Apologies. I did not realize that was something I had to do. I will provide the code i used as reference in the proposal right away.

@mr_monkey Here’s some update on the current situation regarding the workflow:

I talked with yvanzo regarding the two approaches and he explained to me in details about the continuous workflow of translations in MusicBrainz and Picard. Here’s the summary

  1. MB uses a separate translation branch because it has been having some issues with the interpolation i.e. the {} dynamic values due to change in a few variable names causing the whole webpage to render incorrectly.
  2. Picard does not have this issue but instead due to having major versions, has several translation branches for versions.

Both MB and Picard use a Weblate add-on to squash commits together and not make the commit history over populated. Both of them have separate translations branches which my approach would also be having.

Regarding having a separate locales-dev folder, I was told that we could totally do so and there are no flaws regarding it. I personally believe that having the two locales folder is better as it creates a separate directory for the devs and translators to work in where the dev does not have to be worrying about pushing/pulling translators work and vice-versa.

Also @yvanzo told me that MB is looking to shift on using fluent format instead of the base i18n one. I would need to study on how to implement that and require a few days for the same. Except for that if you think there are any other improvements required in my proposal, let me know.


Sorry to have been unclear about it, MB Picard has different development branches for versions, it doesn’t have separate branches for translations. The translations go directly to the appropriate development branch for the corresponding versions.

It is just a thought for now. That would become more appealing if BB starts using it. Actually, this is how @mr_monkey mentioned Fluent in the page of GSoC ideas for BB. But it is just an option among others.

@mr_monkey Upon re-consideration and after a good discussion with yvanzo, it has come to understanding that using Fluent format will not be a good fit for BB. Fluent lacks in-depth documentation which led me to conclude that it lacks some basic functionalities such as implementing multivalued values, using JSON nested values and implementation of custom functions.

So, I think the current i18next-JSON format is suitable for our case. Hence there is no tweaking required in the proposal on that front.

I think that concluded any doubts that you had about my proposal. I will always be ready to respond if you have something new that bugs you regarding the same.

If you find my proposal satisfactory, please let me know so that I can submit it on the GSoC website as the deadline for proposal submission is closing in. :smile:

Hello, @aabbi15 , thank you for your interest in contributing to BookBrainz through GSoC, and thank you for your past contributions to MusicBrainz and BookBrainz.

My name is Jim, and I am an ordinary MusicBrainz contributor, not a BookBrainz or GSoC authority. So my comments are just those of an interested user. I do, however, have some experience working in application internationalisation and translation.

I love that you are interested in improving the i18n for BookBrainz. However, I suggest you consider using the term “string translation” rather than “internationalization” for this project’s title.

To me, internationalisation (i18n) certainly includes the infrastructure for delivering translated strings to the UI and app logic. However, it also includes much more: locale-appropriate display of dates and numbers and currency, grammatical adjustments like plurals, translated place names, locale-related features, and cross-locale features.

An example of a locale-related feature might be book identifiers. ISBN numbers are widely used, but are there other identifiers which are in use in some places or in some other times? The infrastructure for allowing multiple identifiers, based on locale, is part of i18n.

An example of a cross-locale feature might be transcription of author and book names from the original script to the user’s script. A reader of Punjabi might want BookBrainz to display the author name 紫 式部 as ਮੂਰਾਸਾਕੀ ਸ਼ੀਕੀਬੂ. The infrastructure for that kind of transliteration is also part of i18n.

I don’t mean to criticise the proposal, just to suggest that you use a label appropriate to its scope. I hope these ideas are encouraging and helpful for you. Again, I am just another MusicBrainz contributor. If these ideas conflict with what you and BookBrainz need for a successful GSoC, feel free to disregard them. Best of luck!

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@Jim_DeLaHunt Yes you might be right about this, I am also a fairly new contributor to the MetaBrainz community. This was what the proposal was named initially in the Ideas list (here). Also, other MetaBrainz projects such as MB and Picard have the same feature and it is called internationalization as well.

So, I thought it would be best not to tweak things for my proposal. I understand your point about the locale appropriate depiction of currency, names, etc. But maybe that is part of localization? At least that is what I inferred from the docs on wiki here.

Maybe @mr_monkey can shed some more light on this. Thanks for your interest in my proposal!