Graphical Work Titles (Anthony Braxton)

I have a question, or maybe it’s a suggestion, or possibly just an observation.

I’ve recently been rather intrigued by Anthony Braxton’s rather large and unique catalog. One of the (many) unique aspects of Braxton’s work, is that he often titles his compositions with enigmatic diagrams. For practical purposes he began to also number them long ago (Opus 9, Composition 40C, etc.) The unofficial (and not exhaustive) discography at Restructures includes an index of some compositions with the associated diagrams.

Examples include Composition 6G (also the title of an album), Composition 85, Composition 8G etc.

Unfortunately there doesn’t seem to be a very good way to associate a work with an image. We can code images as ‘track’ images on an individual release, but that doesn’t accomplish the same thing (I did this for the compositions on 9 Compositions (Iridium) 2006, but that doesn’t accomplish the same thing.

The best solution I can come up with is creating a link in the annotation to the diagram (either on Restructures, or, circuitously, the MusicBrainz image link for the ‘track’ on one of the releases). For example Comp. No. 40D, Comp. No. 40G, Comp. No. 63, and Comp. No. 350

I guess, I’m just wondering if there’s better solutions. Ideally, of course, there would be a ‘Work Image’ that would appear in the upper right, like a cover image, but I’m not sure how often that would be utilized.

Technically, we can actually display images for works:

The thing is, we only display images from Wikimedia Commons on the work level, so unless these images have the right (copyleft) license to be uploaded to Commons, we won’t be able to use them anyway :frowning:

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Hmm… I wonder if these are even copyrightable, as they’re technically titles.