Garth Brooks Time Traveler not found

I’m trying to get the information corrected for the “Garth Brooks - Time Traveler” Album but I can’t figure out how to fix the issue I’m having. I first fixed the “Album” so all the file names are correct but now I need to make sure the cover art is correct as well as the Genre and such. But I can’t find the album for “Time Traveler”.

Here is what I did folder is called “Garth Brooks Time Traveler” all files are mp3 files. And each file is named correctly. But I can only find a album called “The Limited Series”.

I add the folder called “Garth Brooks Time Traveler” I then select “Cluster” I then select “Scan” I then see the album to the right called “The Limited Series”. And not “Time Traveler”. How do I fix this and have just the 10 songs listed instead of the (10/76).

Is there a way to fix this at all.

It doesn’t seem to be in the database (yet), so you wont find it until you or someone else adds it: Garth Brooks in MusicBrainz

Usually I would recommend importing the digital version using Harmony, which is very easy to do, but seems this album was a Amazon music exclusive which is trickier. I had a minute, so I’ve added it.

It should now be found - but don’t use scan. Use cluster > lookup. Scan will ignore the tags, and just “listens” to the file. This means it is just as likely to pick up the same song within “The Limited Series” as “Time Traveler”.

If you’re not having luck with lookup you can also paste the MusicBrainz release URL into the search box at the top right of Picard, press enter, and then drag your files onto that album from the left (this is the most manual/precise way of finding database items).


Thank you so very much for adding it. It only took 1 try and fixed it really quick. Thanks again.