Fingerprint identification

Greetings. I have a question - is it possible through acoustic fingerprint mechanic identify that track X is the part of track Y. I am asking coz now i am working with soundtrack releases and often there is a case that official soundtrack is just a compilation of cue sheet tracks. The same also true for game soundtracks, where official ones are just compilations from ingame music.

Such tool could help with composer credits identification, coz official soundtrack often credited to only one composer (album artist), while cue sheets contain detailed info.

As far as I know, the AcoustID fingerprint will always start à the beginning of all tracks.

But you can always manually compare two finger prints and move an offset up and down to see if an AcoustID for X aligns perfectly with some section of an AcoustID of Y.

But if the track Y is too long, the fingerprint will not cover the full track.

I see. Just thought may be there are some utilities for this already exist.