Explicit content tag

Are there any tags for explicit lyrics in a song? This woild be useful for us as a radio station having imoortes 200,000 tracks byt no indication other than tesring if radio friendly.

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There is no ‘formal’ way to do this in MusicBrainz, but you can use the free-text tag fields to add the ‘explicit’ tag to releases and recordings, and then check for that when tagging/downloading. But the community hasn’t been using that tag much, so you will be starting from scratch, and it probably wont help you in this situation.

There is a ticket (opened in 2017) to implement a ‘formal’ explicit/clean marker here, which you can vote and/or comment on:


I don’t know that there’s any standard tag for marking tracks as explicit either. you might consider a custom tag (provided your software supports them), perhaps automatically setting it based on the recording’s disambiguation and/or title? (i.e. if it contains “radio edit” or “clean”, then it’s clean, if it contains “explicit”, it’s not). I know often when there’s multiple versions of a song, there will be a disambiguation differentiating the two, take Izzy Pop, for example

if you’re interested, I could take a crack at coding a taggerscript to do this, just lemme know~

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I made this and it works good enough for me, so thanks everybody.
