Edit open weeks after expiration date

This edit was done on Dec 8, has received multiple ‘yes’ votes and zero ‘no’ votes, but for some reason is still open. Can an autoeditor do anything to move it along?


It’s some kind of bug. Edits stuck in that limbo have to be cancelled and redone.
One known reasons why edits stay open forever - without a warning - is if they change something that is linked to in the guidelines.


@bitmap or @yvanzo or @reosarevok may be able to look into this and see what’s up. As @paulakreuzer says, it is likely a bug in the code.


Looks like a bug indeed, just reported as MBS-9997.


Something similar happened a year ago but in that case there was an apparent cause for it.

In edit 50283449 there were merges which created a circle:

  • A --> B
  • B --> A

Because of that the edit didn’t get applied before edit 52191664.

Maybe these incidents are related, maybe not.


I’m going to cancel this edit and attempt a redo, unless leaving it open will help track down the bug. @yvanzo do you have a preference?


For what it’s worth…this edit closed (and failed due to conflicting changes) without any further action from me. I’ve now re-submitted the change as https://musicbrainz.org/edit/59395979 .

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Sorry to resurrect this old thread but I have the same issue on two edits.
Stuck for weeks now. Maybe someone can help out:
or is there a place I can report it to?

These are not stuck for weeks, they are just from one week ago and are about to close. :slight_smile:
Sorry: Ah no, they are 1 month old, indeed. :sweat_smile:

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