Ah, it seems that there are now two embedded Discourse tutorials, proposed to new users.
As I am no longer a new user to http://community.metabrainz.org nor to http://meta.discourse.org I was wondering how were those two tutorials (basic and advanced).
Maybe @discobot can help me.
Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help
@discobot display help.
I currently know how to do the following things:
@discobot start new user
Starts one of the following interactive narratives: new user, advanced user.
@discobot roll 2d6
3, 6
@discobot quote
Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you — Princess Diana
@discobot fortune
You may rely on it
@discobot start new user
Thanks for the unicorn and certificate, @discobot!
(I wonder if this hidden topic is still visible to others)
See you next time for the advanced tutorial.
OK now let’s try the advanced tutorial!
@discobot start advanced user
Great I now did both tutorials and have this second diploma!
Thanks @discobot, it was instructive!
Fortune and quote were just tests I made, not required for tutorials and their effect is actually cancelled by first command (start new/advanced user).
Posting here as PMs are disabled.
@discobot start new user
I wonder how this works…
@discobot start new user
@discobot start new user
@discobot start new user
@discobot roll 3d6
@discobot roll 3d6
@discobot roll 3d6
@discobot roll 3d6
@discobot roll 3d6
@discobot roll 3d6
Edit: darn it only takes one command per post.
2, 2, 6
@discobot roll 2D20 in more than 20 characters, please.
15, 17
Nice roll @jesus2099, definitely a hit
uhhh. someone explain the “roll” thing to me pls, you ask it to roll a die and it gives two numbers? (of which *both* are above 6?!)
oh I see there is a code to it. I don’t quite get the rolling syntax though…
wait let me try something
@discobot roll 5d6