What/where is the Discourse app, exactly, @artgravity?
Is it the shortcut that you can add to your smartphone home page, from the web browser menu option?
It is on the Google Play Store
It serves mainly as a place aggregate your Discourse forums. It has status details like new an unread message counts. Visiting the forums still uses a browser, so you child think of it as a launcher app.
Oh ok thanks!
Any reasons why using it?
Discourse works so flawlessly in browsers, IMO.
With only browser, you can also buttonise/favourite/shortcut it on your homepage.
And receive notifications, if you like that.
By the way, now with its full app name, I found that post on Discourse official forum:
I prefer to keep my forums in the footprint of one icon. I don’t want to see notifications unless I’m in the Discourse app. I stopped using browser bookmarks some years ago. Put those things all together and the app works well with my usage preferences.