I agree and this is why I have issues with adding 180+ release events. It makes sense in a perfect system, but in the real world it doesn’t really capture any useful information.
I think many of the difficulties we have around adding digital releases are due to people trying to treat digital releases like physical releases, when they are and always will be fundamentally different. The complete control platforms have over their databases means that there is no canonical source of information for a digital release, so as submitters we are forced to create the most accurate release we can based on information from multiple sources. This naturally make many people (particularly those who are likely to contribute to MB) uncomfortable, because we expect the process to be almost completely objective.
A good example of the way in which the schemas of different platform’s databases cause problems is the “standardisation” of catalog numbers:
Would anyone seriously argue that separate releases should be created for Juno Download and Beatport because they strip the hyphen from the catalogue number?