Daily Acoustid updates missing track_meta table?

Okay I am currently using the full data dumps from https://data.acoustid.org/

track_full contains acoustids track
meta_full contains metadata submitted by users
track_meta_full links the metadata to the track
track_mbid_full links the track to mbrecording_id
fingerprint_track_full link track to fingerprint (but I don’t use it), and I don’t use track_puid_full.

I wanted to use the daily json import of additions and changes starting February 2020 to build on top of this and create some new reports

But it seems track_meta.jsonl is missing, hence not possible to link anything newly added to the meta table to the track it has been added for.

Am I right or have i misunderstood something ?


Seems to be a bug so https://github.com/acoustid/acoustid-server/issues/72

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Is there any update on this? I would like to download the database for a personal project I’m working on but it isn’t of much use without being able to link the fingerprints to some track metadata.

I asked @lukz about this recently, and he said it would be done soon, so fingers crossed

Thanks, that’s good to know, thanks.

@lukz will retrospective track_meta updates be made available?

This is now fixed, the daily files have been added for track_meta so you’ll have to process each day for file in turn starting from last full dump.

But It would be nice if we could get a new dump of the whole database/tables perhaps once a year.

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