Cover art types for jewel cases

Yeah - “promotional” is needed. I can’t see what it wrong about supply “something” on those two edits where the mock-up is being uploaded when there is currently ZERO images listed.

Having a related mock-up added to those pages makes sense to me as it is easier to then spot later when a new edition appears. As long as the mock-ups come from a source where it can be shown the artwork does match the release. (To me the real issue here is lack of detailed edit notes)

Can’t comment on 65776932 as the vote has closed and therefore no image now. The three images uploaded look sensible to me. I never understand why a “wide shot” has to be destroyed all the time. Seeing all parts of a package seem logical.

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Following that, we can also accept any cover who is barely the same as the one missing for the moment! Why refusing DM’s cover vs CD vs Vinyl when most of the time we only have a format difference?
From my side I’m not really in favour to add that kind of visual, I prefer nothing than a “prototype cover”.

Please compare the mock-up to the actual cover. In the case of edit #65776932 it’s outright misleading. It gives the impression of a digipak or similar while it’s not.

I don’t see a problem with these promo pics when they actually show the contents.
Mock-up vs. unboxing


Do not make arguments where there is none. You are making things up. Please do not direct your anger at me because I answered the question about a “promotional” type.

A clearly marked image saying this is promotional is very different to throwing any old non-matching data onto the page.

I don’t know what a “DM” is. That TLA is not translating. It is never good to add a CD image as an LP and that is not being suggested. I very much have always been against that.

Wow sorry but there is absolutely no anger at all, or someone explains to me what words make him think…

Anyway, I’m just pointing the fact that if we start to accept 3D renderings cover (who rarely respect the real ratio of a real case). We also need to know whatever cover could be acceptable for whatever support: Digital Media (DM) covers for vinyl for example.

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Stupid but related question - where in the documentation do we tell the user the image must be a match?

I can only find this page:

Due to the comedy of coincidence I need the right page so I can quote it at a noobie who is currently uploading a butchered image :smiley: ( )

This is in the release style guidelines: Style / Release - MusicBrainz

The cover art for a release must always exactly match the actual art for that specific release. Artwork for a release should not be added to another release: for example, digipaks are not square, and a square digital front cover should not be uploaded to a digipak release.


thanks @draconx. I think that bit also needs to be on the actual cover art page too.

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I get the impression that everyone is actually on the same page with this:

The discussion hasn’t been clear that the promo images that were submitted didn’t accurately match the release, which I’ve just picked up on as well.
Otherwise I’m assuming the promo images/mockups would have gone through fine?

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