Confused about the Wikidata plugin

Most important, thanks for everyone’s time. I went through all 133K files in my library a year ago, and realized how bad I screwed up my genres. I was hoping Picard and the wikidata plugin could save me from myself.

I found the Wikidata Plugin issue last year, and have been waiting for an update since. I have a “preview” version of the script, from GrokMan; and it no longer hangs Picard.

I’m curious about what it’s actually pulling though. The best I can tell, It’s pulling the genres associated with the artist. Is that what it’s supposed to do? I was hoping for the genres associated with the album in Wikidata.

My example;
Jagged Little Pill, by Alanis Morissette. MusicBrainz release ID; aa531d88-d797-4a4e-8c57-71e28c4497b0. A “Lookup in Browser” takes me to the MB page, which has a link to Wikidata ID; Q750084.
Genre on Wikidata page for “Jagged Little Pill”; [alternative rock]
Genre on Wikidata page for “Alanis Morissette”; [alternative rock, rock music, experimental rock, pop rock, pop music, post-grunge, dance-pop, electronica, prog rock]
Genre Shown in Picard; [Alternative Rock; Dance-Pop; Electronica; Experimental Rock; Pop Music; Pop Rock; Post-Grunge; Prog Rock; Rock Music]

On a related note, is there a way to pull the genres from the MusicBrainz database from the MusicBrainz_releasegroupid? That’s the data I really want.

Currently it pull’s genres from all attached wikidata sources, including the recording, work, album and artist. I agree it would be nice to be able to configure it, though.

You can enable using the genres from MusicBrainz in the options by checking Metadata > Use folksonmy tags as genre. You can fine tune it in a separate options page under Metadata > Folskonomy tags. Due to a bug in the MusicBrainz server this currently can only use tags directly on the release, though.

Note: The options here will change slightly with the next Picard release. Since the MusicBrainz server gained some knowledge about which tags are considered genres we have updated Picard to use these. The main difference is that the options page will now be called Genres and that you can separately enable to use only the genres from or optionally still use all provided folksonomy tags.


Dang it.

Double Dang it.

Cool / Dang it. It looks like the Wikidata plugin is not the panacea I was hoping for. The Folksonomy tags do me very little good. It seems that most of my releases have no genre information, and the “fall back” option does nothing.

Based on my reading of the links; It sounds like the MusicBrainz / Picard update will still not allow me to pull tag data from the release group, though. This makes me sad. I understand wanting to limit the number of database hits, but it seems like this could be a relationship in the database itself.

Thanks for the insight.