Sometimes (quite often for singles) you get a / or \ between the 2 titles (sides). This character isn’t possible to replace in the Character replacement window. Any reason? I tried using it in Replace directory separator, which turned out in an unexpected way (well probably expected if you know how the code is), so that’s absolutely no option.
It is the “Replace directory separators” option. The reason why it is not in that dialog is that the dialog is only about special characters for Windows, and the directory separators apply always.
Also it behaves a bit different, because directory separators have to be replaced in variables before the script run, the other special characters will be replaced after the script ran.
If you tried this option already, what did you get?
I tried it and got directories in stead of a /.
Wait, so you added a slash / as the replacement character?
If that’s possible we should make sure this is disallowed. This setting is to replace the slashes with something else. A slash in a path marks a directory.
I checked this and it is clearly a bug. It is possible to set the replacement to be itself a directory separator. On Windows this includes both slash /
and backslash \
This should not be possible. I’ll ad a fix for this.
In the meantime make sure you set this to something other than a slash or backslash.
See also: