Change underscore to different symbol

For vinyl records, I’d like to use a + between the two track titles in the folder name, but currently it’s producing an underscore. I’ve tried everything on the forum but no luck. Can you help?

[CAT] Artist - Song1 _ Song2

but I would prefer it to be…
[CAT] Artist - Song1 + Song2

I’m assuming that this is because the song titles are separated by a slash (/) in the metadata, and Picard will automatically replace this character because it is normally a path separator. You can change the default underscore (_) to a plus sign (+) in the File Naming Compatibility Options by changing the “Replace directory separators with” setting. Note that this will use the plus sign instead of the underscore for all replacements in the file naming.

If you only want to use the plus sign for the replacement in the album title (such as “Boy / Sad Memories”), you could create a new variable with the change in a tagging script, and then use that variable instead of %album% in your file naming script. For example, the new tagging script would be:


You would then use this in your file naming script like:

%albumartist% - %_album_with_plus%

You could also do this with the %albumartist% tag if you wanted to use something other than the underscore to replace the slash for bands like AC/DC.

Note that I haven’t tested this scripting method, but I’m pretty sure it will do what you want.


I changed the (/) to (_) and it works great. Thank you so much for taking the time to explain it in detail.

Here is my full script if it helps anyone.

[%catalognumber%] $if2(%albumartist%,%artist%) - %_album_with_plus% ($left(%date%,4))/
$if($gt(%totaldiscs%,1),$if($gt(%totaldiscs%,9),$num(%discnumber%,2),%discnumber%)-,)$if($and(%albumartist%,%tracknumber%),$num(%tracknumber%,2) ,)$if(%_multiartist%,)%artist% - %title%