It’s about the heart under every post.
clicking the “like” heart showed users who had liked it.
clicking the “like” heart takes you to login.
It’s about the heart under every post.
clicking the “like” heart showed users who had liked it.
clicking the “like” heart takes you to login.
You are probably not logged in - if you are logged in you would see who liked your post
If I am logged in, then I add “like”.
I’ve been never sent to the login when I’m already logged in.
I don’t know if there were any changes recently, but if I click the heart of my own post, I see who liked it. If I click on other posts’ hearts I like them.
It used to be that you could check every post, not just your own.
looks like I can “unlike” my own likes. I’ve never tried it and probably never looked who else liked a post
I looked who liked my enemies.
Clicking the heart toggles the Like. Clicking the number next to the heart shows who liked the post.
But I’m 99% sure I used to click on a heart and get this.
Didn’t realise I could check out other people’s likers… That kinda info will make debates “interesting”.
As to login\logout - sounds like something may be bugging out in a cookie? Delete the cookies for and see if that fixes it. I not see that kinda thing happen.
I tend to leave the Muiscbrainz cookies in place… think I only get told to login again once a year.
As a test, I spam clicked a heart on one of your posts @Peter69 - it kept toggling… and then told me to sod off and stop being impatient and put me on a naughty step for 60 seconds…
There is no need to clear cookies. Possibly from a plate.
@Beckfield gave the solution.