Can someone help modifying the

I am having issues with a music library app on multi disc releases. If the multidisc release is put into multiple folders it shows it as incomplete. I am using the bob swift script on github here picard-scripts/naming_scripts/Bob_Swift/Bob Swift's Naming Script.pts at master · rdswift/picard-scripts · GitHub . Can someone help me change the naming scheme so it groups multidiscs into the same single album folder ? I have tried with AI but it fails to load into picard. I have tried myself but still getting errors trying to save the script into picard.

It’s a bit strange, because as far as I can tell that script does not put the disc number into the folder name. In general you would make sure that the %discnumber% variable is not used as part of the folder.

The script is a bit more complex, so I might overlook something. Maybe @rdswift can help.

But are you sure you are using the script unmodified or is there maybe an additional %discnumber% somewhere in the part of the script where it creates the folder name (in the "Set the file path. " section)?

Another thing to check is whether you have been using Picard to actually move the files. If you have just saved the tags or just renamed the files without having “move files” enabled they would have just stayed in their original directories.

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