Bookogs genres

After formats and credit roles here is the genre list of bookogs. As works started later on bookogs, there is a list of genres used at book-entries and genres used at work-entries. Both lists are a total mess. And I think a lot of those entries are no genres at all (e.g. “Online Social Networks”, “Toys”, “Board Books”, “Islam”, “Opera”, …). Later on bookogs there was a About/Subject field, which was used as a keyword field. This was a much better approach compared to the huge amount of defined genres and it is the best solution for academic books, as it allows to be very specific.

List of genres defined for works:

genre                    		|  cnt  
 Costume Design                 |     1
 Bilingual                      |     1
 Alphabets & Writing Systems    |     1
 Geology                        |     1
 Rail Transit Systems           |     1
 Blues                          |     1
 Government                     |     1
 Hinduism                       |     1
 Animation                      |     1
 Finance                        |     1
 Reggae                         |     1
 Trends                         |     1
 Commerce                       |     1
 Almanac                        |     1
 Figure Drawing                 |     1
 Dance                          |     1
 Audio                          |     1
 Construction                   |     1
 Fetishes                       |     1
 Agriculture                    |     1
 Origami                        |     1
 Prehistory                     |     1
 Pharmacy                       |     1
 Operetta                       |     2
 Musical                        |     2
 News                           |     2
 Toys                           |     2
 Gender Studies                 |     2
 Holiday                        |     2
 Mechanics & Engineering        |     2
 Psychopathology                |     2
 Courtly Love                   |     2
 Communications                 |     2
 Genetics                       |     2
 New Age                        |     2
 Internet                       |     2
 Environmental Protection       |     2
 Navigation                     |     3
 Music Production               |     3
 Contemporary History           |     3
 Witchcraft                     |     3
 Gardening                      |     3
 Strategy                       |     3
 Bibliography                   |     3
 Medicine                       |     3
 Graffiti/Street Art            |     3
 Psychotherapy                  |     3
 Mysticism                      |     3
 Painting                       |     4
 Decor                          |     4
 Aphorism                       |     4
 Pets/Animals                   |     4
 Law                            |     4
 Earth Sciences                 |     4
 Oral History                   |     4
 LP Covers                      |     4
 Nursery Rhyme                  |     4
 Atlas                          |     4
 Terrorism                      |     4
 Entertainment                  |     4
 Didactics                      |     4
 Quiz                           |     4
 Cartography                    |     4
 Railroad Transportation        |     4
 Astrology                      |     4
 Songbook                       |     5
 Motoring                       |     5
 Heavy Metal                    |     5
 Native American Religions      |     5
 Typography                     |     5
 Media Studies                  |     5
 Video Games                    |     5
 Instructional/How to/DIY       |     5
 Poetics                        |     5
 Death and Dying                |     5
 Aviation - Military            |     6
 Grammar & Punctuation          |     6
 Ethnology                      |     6
 Magic                          |     6
 Islam                          |     6
 Evolution                      |     6
 Collecting                     |     6
 Surrealism                     |     6
 Philosophy of Science          |     6
 Current Events                 |     6
 Safety                         |     6
 Botany                         |     6
 Women's Studies                |     6
 Mycology                       |     7
 Comics Art                     |     7
 Mathematics                    |     7
 Parapsychology                 |     7
 Political Science              |     7
 Realistic Fiction              |     7
 Astrophysics                   |     7
 Fashion/Style                  |     7
 Radio Play                     |     7
 Environment                    |     7
 Crafts & Hobbies               |     7
 Logic                          |     8
 Rhetoric                       |     8
 Sex/Intimacy                   |     8
 Tragicomedy                    |     8
 Modern History                 |     8
 Chemistry                      |     9
 Lectures                       |     9
 Business                       |     9
 Lexicon                        |     9
 Discography                    |     9
 Encyclopedia                   |     9
 Punk                           |     9
 Parody                         |     9
 Geography                      |    10
 Compendium                     |    10
 Textbook                       |    10
 Computers                      |    10
 Art Techniques                 |    10
 Health & Fitness               |    11
 Anatomy                        |    11
 Dictionary                     |    11
 Puzzle                         |    12
 Theology                       |    12
 Exhibition Catalog             |    12
 Picaresque                     |    12
 Judaism                        |    12
 Journalism                     |    13
 Psychoanalysis                 |    13
 Aeronautics & Astronautics     |    13
 Role Playing Games             |    13
 Automobiles/Cars               |    13
 Field Guide                    |    13
 Design/Graphic Design          |    14
 Theory                         |    14
 Jazz                           |    14
 Opera                          |    14
 Drugs                          |    14
 Sports                         |    15
 Nature                         |    15
 Pulp                           |    15
 Journal                        |    15
 Hard Science Fiction           |    15
 Cultural Studies               |    15
 Television & Radio             |    15
 Economy                        |    15
 Evolutionary Biology           |    15
 Art Criticism                  |    16
 Techno-thriller                |    16
 Buddhism                       |    16
 Spiritualism                   |    16
 Legend                         |    16
 Food & Drink                   |    17
 Cooking                        |    18
 Technology                     |    19
 Southern Gothic                |    19
 Catalog                        |    19
 Chivalry                       |    19
 Occult                         |    19
 Biology                        |    19
 Information Technology         |    19
 Ethics/Moral Philosophy        |    20
 Epistolary Novel               |    20
 Paranormal                     |    20
 Language                       |    21
 Archaeology                    |    21
 Astronomy                      |    21
 Magical Realism                |    22
 Western                        |    22
 Culture                        |    22
 Rock                           |    22
 Reviews                        |    23
 Engineering                    |    24
 Feminism                       |    24
 Reference                      |    24
 Speeches                       |    25
 Physics                        |    25
 Linguistics                    |    26
 Photography                    |    26
 Anthropology                   |    26
 Philosophical Fiction          |    26
 Social Science                 |    27
 Screenplay                     |    27
 Pop Culture                    |    27
 Reportage                      |    28
 Epic                           |    29
 Education                      |    29
 Criticism                      |    29
 Football/Soccer                |    29
 Letters                        |    30
 Narration                      |    31
 Architecture                   |    31
 Games                          |    32
 Society                        |    33
 Electronics                    |    34
 True Crime                     |    36
 Gamebook                       |    36
 Historical Documents           |    38
 Self-Help                      |    39
 Sociology                      |    39
 Cartoons                       |    43
 Child Development              |    43
 Literary Criticism             |    43
 Political Theory               |    45
 Christianity                   |    50
 Mythology                      |    50
 Guide                          |    53
 Picture book                   |    56
 Literature                     |    56
 Art                            |    56
 Animal/Wildlife/Fauna          |    57
 Tragedy                        |    66
 Fable                          |    68
 Erotic                         |    71
 Dystopian Fiction              |    72
 Psychology                     |    76
 Film/Cinema                    |    80
 Interview                      |    94
 Juvenile Fiction               |    95
 Science                        |    99
 Cultural History               |   108
 Comedy                         |   122
 Gothic                         |   123
 Drama                          |   132
 Politics                       |   133
 Travel                         |   140
 Spy Fiction                    |   144
 Composition & Creative Writing |   144
 Speculative Fiction            |   153
 Religion                       |   155
 War/Military                   |   178
 Ghost Stories                  |   186
 Romance                        |   231
 Science Fantasy                |   234
 Young Adult/Youth literature   |   238
 Memoir/Diary                   |   243
 Satire                         |   253
 Folklore                       |   274
 Philosophy                     |   279
 Autobiography                  |   282
 Biography                      |   316
 Play (Theatre)                 |   354
 Art History                    |   369
 Anthology                      |   417
 Humor                          |   480
 History                        |   483
 Music                          |   489
 Adventure                      |   516
 Historical Fiction             |   536
 Thriller                       |   651
 Children's literature          |   691
 Mystery                        |   715
 Detective                      |   848
 Novella                        |   877
 Fairy Tale                     |   895
 Horror                         |   914
 Crime                          |   985
 Essays                         |  1158
 Fantasy                        |  1192
 Non-fiction                    |  1869
 Science Fiction                |  3290
 Poetry                         |  3443
 Novel                          |  6418
 Short Stories                  |  8743
 Fiction                        | 13588

List of genres defined for books:

         genre              |  cnt  
   Morphology                     |     1
   E-Commerce                     |     1
   Cartomancy                     |     1
   Book of hours                  |     1
   Memoir                         |     2
   Online Social Networks         |     2
   Luxury                         |     2
   Beginning Chapter              |     2
   Braille                        |     3
   Flags/Vexillology              |     3
   Customer Relations             |     3
   Body modification              |     3
   Fortune-telling                |     4
   Beginning Reader               |     4
   Corrections/Law Enforcement    |     4
   Business Networks              |     4
   Disability Studies             |     5
   Hermeticism                    |     6
   Divination                     |     6
   Spellchecking                  |     6
   Riddles                        |     7
   Sociolinguistics               |     7
   Dissertation/Thesis            |     8
   Tattoos                        |     8
   Courtly Love                   |     9
   Board book                     |     9
   Juvenile Deliquency            |     9
   Entrepreneurship               |     9
   Transcript                     |    10
   Commerce                       |    11
   Origami                        |    11
   Rhetoric                       |    13
   Web Design                     |    13
   Native American Religions      |    14
   Library Science                |    16
   Safety                         |    16
   Sourcebook                     |    16
   Alphabets & Writing Systems    |    16
   Southern Gothic                |    17
   Young Adult                    |    18
   Thesaurus                      |    18
   Picaresque                     |    18
   Hard Science Fiction           |    19
   Indigenous Studies             |    21
   Tragicomedy                    |    22
   Coloring Book                  |    22
   Satanism                       |    24
   Strategy                       |    24
   Biochemistry                   |    25
   Evolutionary Psychology        |    26
   Hinduism                       |    26
   Chivalry                       |    26
   Epistolary Novel               |    28
   Personal Finance               |    28
   Techno-thriller                |    32
   Lectures                       |    32
   Toys                           |    33
   Construction                   |    33
   Mycology                       |    36
   Prehistory                     |    36
   Marketing                      |    37
   Judaism                        |    37
   Typography                     |    38
   Nursery Rhyme                  |    38
   Terrorism                      |    40
   Diet                           |    41
   Anatomy                        |    42
   Navigation                     |    43
   Figure Drawing                 |    43
   Magical Realism                |    43
   Pharmacy                       |    45
   Trivia                         |    45
   New Age                        |    47
   Quiz                           |    47
   Holiday                        |    49
   Radio Play                     |    50
   Aphorism                       |    50
   Death and Dying                |    52
   Costume Design                 |    54
   Quotations/Citations           |    55
   Genetics                       |    55
   Psychotherapy                  |    58
   Criminology                    |    58
   Composition & Creative Writing |    59
   Bilingual                      |    60
   Witchcraft                     |    63
   Rail Transit Systems           |    63
   Oral History                   |    64
   Aviation - Civilian            |    65
   Finance                        |    68
   Islam                          |    68
   Trends                         |    70
   Operetta                       |    70
   Media Studies                  |    70
   Buddhism                       |    72
   Speeches                       |    72
   Pulp                           |    75
   Gender Studies                 |    75
   Gossip                         |    76
   Poetics                        |    77
   Logic                          |    81
   Realistic Fiction              |    81
   Surrealism                     |    84
   Musical                        |    85
   Astrology                      |    88
   Internet                       |    90
   Opera                          |    92
   Chemistry                      |    99
   Agriculture                    |    99
   Aeronautics & Astronautics     |   100
   Compendium                     |   101
   Didactics                      |   101
   Government                     |   107
   Screenplay                     |   108
   Philosophical Fiction          |   109
   Evolutionary Biology           |   110
   Environmental Protection       |   111
   Bibliography                   |   113
   Theology                       |   116
   Psychopathology                |   118
   Pastoral                       |   121
   Fetishes                       |   122
   Almanac                        |   124
   Political Science              |   124
   Feminism                       |   126
   Cartography                    |   127
   LP Covers                      |   128
   Epic                           |   128
   Modern History                 |   130
   Earth Sciences                 |   131
   Legend                         |   136
   Spiritualism                   |   136
   Evolution                      |   136
   Fable                          |   136
   Dance                          |   138
   News                           |   142
   Environment                    |   145
   Atlas                          |   150
   Role Playing Games             |   159
   Magic                          |   159
   Parody                         |   161
   Tragedy                        |   163
   Lexicon                        |   163
   Puzzle                         |   169
   Parapsychology                 |   172
   Geology                        |   173
   Horticulture                   |   175
   Mysticism                      |   176
   Linguistics                    |   177
   Grammar & Punctuation          |   177
   Auction Catalog                |   177
   Graffiti/Street Art            |   178
   Narration                      |   186
   Juvenile Fiction               |   192
   Letters                        |   193
   Theory                         |   195
   Contemporary History           |   196
   Journal                        |   197
   Sex/Intimacy                   |   197
   Psychoanalysis                 |   200
   Reggae                         |   203
   Law                            |   205
   Pets/Animals                   |   209
   Gamebook                       |   209
   Philosophy of Science          |   215
   Field Guide                    |   225
   Western                        |   229
   Art Techniques                 |   236
   Child Development              |   237
   Ethics/Moral Philosophy        |   248
   Journalism                     |   249
   Women's Studies                |   249
   Business                       |   255
   Astrophysics                   |   259
   Mechanics & Engineering        |   260
   Industrial Railroads           |   260
   Cultural Studies               |   261
   Criticism                      |   262
   Animation                      |   262
   Music Production               |   264
   Exhibition Catalog             |   264
   Gardening                      |   271
   Art Criticism                  |   279
   Aviation - Military            |   282
   Speculative Fiction            |   282
   Communications                 |   284
   Catalog                        |   284
   Painting                       |   291
   Reportage                      |   291
   Textbook                       |   293
   Motoring                       |   300
   Drugs                          |   314
   Football/Soccer                |   319
   Ghost Stories                  |   325
   Ethnology                      |   335
   Image and Sound                |   336
   Botany                         |   338
   Decor                          |   342
   Self-Help                      |   349
   Folklore                       |   353
   Social Science                 |   366
   Occult                         |   372
   Medicine                       |   377
   Current Events                 |   378
   Economy                        |   380
   Spy Fiction                    |   382
   Gothic                         |   382
   Songbook                       |   382
   Dystopian Fiction              |   385
   Engineering                    |   392
   True Crime                     |   393
   Mythology                      |   401
   Cartoons                       |   422
   Paranormal                     |   437
   Tourism                        |   441
   Anthropology                   |   460
   Health & Fitness               |   479
   HiFi                           |   500
   Instructional/How to/DIY       |   503
   Satire                         |   507
   Automobiles/Cars               |   527
   Design/Graphic Design          |   536
   Historical Documents           |   546
   Sociology                      |   557
   Dictionary                     |   565
   Literary Criticism             |   566
   Psychology                     |   572
   Society                        |   584
   Mathematics                    |   589
   Language                       |   591
   Audio                          |   608
   Encyclopedia                   |   614
   Christianity                   |   635
   Archaeology                    |   663
   Biology                        |   663
   Railroad Transportation        |   663
   Physics                        |   670
   Erotic                         |   674
   Political Theory               |   693
   Television & Radio             |   704
   Information Technology         |   707
   Geography                      |   714
   Fairy Tale                     |   719
   Anthology                      |   724
   Food & Drink                   |   760
   Comedy                         |   776
   Fashion/Style                  |   778
   Astronomy                      |   794
   Technology                     |   813
   Heavy Metal                    |   831
   Play (Theatre)                 |   848
   Art History                    |   860
   Comics Art                     |   872
   Science Fantasy                |   961
   Architecture                   |   964
   Crafts & Hobbies               |   967
   Electronics                    |   968
   Reference                      |   998
   Computers                      |  1018
   Video Games                    |  1040
   Nature                         |  1073
   Drama                          |  1095
   Education                      |  1100
   Blues                          |  1118
   Discography                    |  1123
   Novella                        |  1162
   Collecting                     |  1176
   Cultural History               |  1205
   Memoir/Diary                   |  1210
   Games                          |  1211
   Picture book                   |  1231
   Guide                          |  1246
   Sports                         |  1249
   Essays                         |  1347
   Cooking                        |  1450
   Romance                        |  1453
   Animal/Wildlife/Fauna          |  1455
   Entertainment                  |  1559
   Detective                      |  1607
   War/Military                   |  1646
   Travel                         |  1686
   Historical Fiction             |  1728
   Religion                       |  1774
   Autobiography                  |  1787
   Punk                           |  1799
   Young Adult/Youth literature   |  1810
   Jazz                           |  1869
   Literature                     |  2057
   Reviews                        |  2105
   Politics                       |  2112
   Science                        |  2131
   Interview                      |  2356
   Humor                          |  2361
   Photography                    |  2450
   Culture                        |  2567
   Philosophy                     |  2596
   Adventure                      |  2820
   Pop Culture                    |  2920
   Thriller                       |  3128
   Film/Cinema                    |  3143
   Horror                         |  3253
   Mystery                        |  3264
   Rock                           |  3285
   Art                            |  3286
   Poetry                         |  3317
   Short Stories                  |  4078
   Crime                          |  4234
   Biography                      |  4601
   Fantasy                        |  5357
   Children's literature          |  5947
   Science Fiction                |  7697
   History                        |  7904
   Novel                          | 15183
   Non-fiction                    | 17204
   Fiction                        | 22174
   Music                          | 24637
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