Bookmarklet/Userscript to guess Unicode punctuation of titles

Is it possible to use the “guess Unicode punctuation of titles” script together with the " MusicBrainz: Set recording comments for a release" ?

That is kind of possible, but you would have to do this in multiple steps currently (apply the recording comments script on the release page, use the guess punctuation script on each recording’s edit page) because the punctuation script does not run on release display pages (of course), nor does it support the custom input field which is injected by the recording comments script.

I don’t plan to implement this “set recording comments integration” for the userscript myself, but I would accept a PR which detects the presence of the other userscript’s button and adds its own “Guess punctuation” button that targets the input.recording-comment selector.

An easier alternative would be to adapt the punctuation bookmarklet which is as simple as adding the new selector because the bookmarklet can be run on any page:

- "input#name,input#comment,input.track-name,input[id^=medium-title],input[name$=name],input[name$=comment]"
+ "input#name,input#comment,input.track-name,input[id^=medium-title],input[name$=name],input[name$=comment],input.recording-comment"

I’ve just tried this patch and it works as expected.


Thx … works like a charm