BookBrainz import scripts?

Has anyone had a go at creating userscripts to aid import from GoodReads / other providers?
I think this would help…


Hi @tandy1000!

There are no import scripts yet that I know of, but it’s definitely a great missing feature!


Yes, I don’t know JavaScript, but I know Nim which can compile to JS, I will look into whether this is feasible.

If anyone has any suggestions for websites to allow importing from we can discuss them in this thread.
Also if anyone is interested in helping out, feel free to contact me!

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I have a 30,000 book Calibre library, and I invest the time in curating the metadata, so this would be an excellent source of metadata if someone has written an upload script.


I stumbled upon this repo, however it’s very much empty aside from a README: GitHub - bookbrainz/bookbrainz-userscripts: Userscripts related to BookBrainz created by the BookBrainz developers and the community

It would be nice if there was a way to easily import several books at once. The Readarr project is in the process of finding a new metadata provider as Goodreads will be blocking API access eventually, and this project would’ve been nice to consider as the metadata tagging is comprehensive, compared to stuff like OpenLibrary which doesn’t acknowledge books belonging to a series or Google Books which has very poor tagging. If BookBrainz was supported then Readarr users would be committed to contributing new additions so that their ebook collection stays organized, but right now adding multiple works at once is a bit slow and clumsy and the data set is pretty small.