I am happy to propose @silentbird for automod election.
Behind this poetic name is an editor who started editing almost 10 years ago in the field of Taiwan, Hong Kong and Mainland China pop music.
silentbird writes edit notes.
I don’t have many Chinese releases, but the ones I have are very much beloved, and each time I edited there or added existing release to my collection, silentbird was already there and provided very complete help and interesting explanations about Chinese context and language when edit note discussion was needed.
silentbird is one of my very interesting, helpful and reliable fellow editors.
I am happy to have crossed several excellent editors like silentbird, specialists in their own music fields. You who read me, you know who you are.
I can’t cite your names because you are many and I’m too afraid of forgetting some in the small time of a post.
I asked silentbird before this nomination.