API - Artist begin area

Is it possible to get an artist’s begin / end area through the API?

Example, Nirvana:



(begin-area id=“a640b45c-c173-49b1-8030-973603e895b5”)

I know I can follow the area ID as such…


…but that goes to county, which needs to be followed, etc etc. And then there’s non-US countries, which gets even more confusing.

Is there a simpler way to pull out the entire location, preferably with area ID’s? ie,

Founded in: Aberdeen, Washington, United States


Hi, it isn’t possible at the moment.

Please see (and vote for) the two tickets below for follow-up:

These are long overdue improvements indeed. To be positive, their implementation should be more feasible since we added a table for area containment in 2022:


Thanks for the info! I’ve been having a lot of fun playing with this code, but I was stumped on this, thinking there had to be an obvious way to get this info that I was missing.

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