Android player MBID submission support

Vanilla can read the mbid :
VanillaMusic: Broadcasting :94f809bd-21b0-4a17-8a4e-aa590e48075a

simple scrobble don’t receive the mbid :
2021-05-13 11:19:39.499 5379-27935/com.adam.aslfms D/Scrobbler: ListenBrainz: Track [mTrack=Tijuana, mArtist=Manu Chao, mAlbum=Próxima estación... Lado B, mAlbumArtist=, mDuration=185, mMbId=, mMusicAPI=MusicAPI [clashWithScrobbleDroid=0, enabled=1, id=1, msg=generic receiver, name=Vanilla Music,], mQueued=false, mRating=, mRowId=240, mSource=P, mTimePlayed=0, mTracknr=, mUnknownDuration=false, mWhen=1620897425, mWhenToCountTimeFrom=-1]

here is the code I used to have the log from vanilla :
Log.v("VanillaMusic", "Broadcasting :" + song.mbid)
I don’t know how to get the full string send to simple scrobbler from sendBroadcast(intent);

seem like vanilla user scroble droid format instead of the stock format to sendbroadcast

files :

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