Album art not loading / rejected for certain album

Picard rejects the album art for EP ††† ~ Release by †††


D: 11:00:34,354 webservice._handle_reply:572: Response received: {‘images’: [{‘approved’: True, ‘back’: False, ‘comment’: ‘’, ‘edit’: 52590601, ‘front’: False, ‘id’: 19764971064, ‘image’: ‘’, ‘thumbnails’: {‘1200’: ‘’, ‘250’: ‘’, ‘500’: ‘’, ‘large’: ‘’, ‘small’: ‘’}, ‘types’: }], ‘release’: ‘’}
D: 11:00:34,354 coverart/providers/caa._caa_json_downloaded:293: CAA types: included: {‘front’, ‘medium’}, excluded: {‘top’, ‘bottom’, ‘other’, ‘booklet’, ‘poster’, ‘obi’, ‘matrix/runout’, ‘tray’, ‘raw/unedited’, ‘sticker’, ‘watermark’, ‘track’, ‘liner’}
D: 11:00:34,354 coverart/providers/caa._caa_json_downloaded:313: CAA image rejected: [‘unknown’]
D: 11:00:34,354 coverart.next_in_queue:146: Skipping cover art provider Local Files ?
D: 11:00:34,354 coverart.next_in_queue:146: Skipping cover art provider UrlRelationships ?
D: 11:00:34,355 coverart.next_in_queue:146: Skipping cover art provider CaaReleaseGroup ?

For me it looks like you got the wrong information in the json but i don’t know why.
your .json error: ‘front’: False
the original json has : ‘front’: true
I would just try again with Picard.

ive tried several times. changed cover art settings as well but to no avail. is there any local cache that could be screwing it up?

There’s a network query cache, you can display its path using debug mode and checking log for “NetworkDiskCache dir”. Once you have the path, stop Picard, delete the directory, and restart Picard.

For me it gives:

D: 14:57:42,846 webservice._init_cache:400: NetworkDiskCache dir: '/home/zas/.cache/MusicBrainz/Picard/network/'
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