AI slush filling charts

Checking the weekly charts, seeing something weird:

Huh, this nikiDUA seems popular all of a sudden. Checking musicbrainz and I see the artist in question adding himself to the database. He even confesses in the edits:

Well, this is me, privately alone playing with AI instant music generator. For now. :sweat_smile::v::sunglasses::sweat_smile:

I guess this was inevitable, but having the charts filled with thousands of listens by what I assume are from bots isnā€™t exactly kosher.


I mentioned this 15 days ago (The fishiness of ListenBrainz) and has been happening since (at least) then.

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Use the ā€œreportā€ button on the user page, and issues like this will be looked into properly :slight_smile: :+1:


All is fine on the musicbrainz side (except that this ā€œartistā€ has no recordings insertedā€¦)

Although if you look at the actual user, you can see that those are LastFM listens. They might have set the sync and flooded Lastfm where this is less noticeable (or maybe unregulated too, IDK), and we suffer the consequences.

ā€¦ Is what I would have said, if I didnā€™t found out about this puppet account. No info about the origin of the listens, so itā€™s harder to justify that itā€™s just someone from lastfm being lost.

I might try to add some releases to see if there isnā€™t other accounts botting listens more stealthily (and AI music is is still music, and need to be inserted into MB anyway)

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although annoying, this is kinda interesting and I wonder if this device is one of a farm which artificially inflates plays on streaming services.

Certainly when you look at ListenBrainz 's listens they are coming via some kind of Last.FM scrobbler

Iā€™ve reported this user and also the shadow account ListenBrainz

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Iā€™ll be doing the same with those that appear 100% (and listening history confirms it) on ListenBrainz.

I blame these users for all the junk music I get recommended.

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This account and the shadow account have been deleted. In the future weā€™ll add the ability for pause someoneā€™s account for more fine grained control over these situations:


This seems to be happening again. Iā€™m not sure how to find the user submitting these listens or even the listens themselves though.

EDIT: This is on the weekly global charts.


And they are back at it again! I donā€™t want to assume malice but redoing it after getting banned?

Sadly itā€™s hard to find listeners of unlinked tracks


Even bans donā€™t work these days.

Heā€™s probably using a VPN and triple proxy.

Itā€™s certainly malice, they even got a mail warning :slight_smile: Will ban them again as soon as I figure out the account, sigh.

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BTW, is there a way for us lowly users to figure out the accounts behind them? I know I could just add the recording and wait for it to match, but thatā€™s slow.
Would make it easier to report instead of appending to the thread

We identified the accounts and will ban them ASAP!


You could grab the listenbrainz-listens-dump and search it.

Just reported three of them

  • cumanBELIAU
  • MyPhoneSongz
  • SongForMyBrainz
On he uses these