Adapter la directive de style (style guideline) à la grammaire nouvelle en français?

La directive de style sur l’usage des majuscules est présentement écrite en fonction de la grammaire traditionnelle.

Depuis 1995, la grammaire nouvelle (GN) est enseignée au Québec et depuis 2016 en France.

Dans cette nouvelle grammaire, il n’est plus question d’articles mais de déterminants.
Il n’est plus question d’adjectifs qualificatifs mais d’adjectifs. De plus certains adjectifs sont
maintenant des déterminants.

Pour un éditeur plus jeune, l’emploi d’adjectif qualificatif ou d’article peut être ambigüe…
Qu’en pensez-vous ?


Would make sense for the new artists but not the past data (we don’t rewrite history).
But managing different set of rules could be quiet complex :confused:

Par contre, avant un éventuel débat, il faudrait voir s’ il y a eu une mise à jour des règles pour les titres d’œuvres (en n’oubliant pas qu’une bonne partie des sources internet ignorent les exceptions).

Niveau academie francaise rien : Questions de langue | Académie française
(section 7)

Sur usito pas sur car contrairement aux articles vu plus hauts ils ne mentionnent pas clairement s’il y a eu changement en 1995 : Les principales règles d’emploi de la majuscule | Usito
(section 6)

Does this change the actual guidelines, or just the terminology?

Just how the same things are now called, the terminology, yes.
If I understood.

We don’t have new rules, there.
And even if we would have had new rules, they would apply to all, it’s just some title caps after all.

Don’t forget we speak about french, I can already imagine fights going out of control on edit notes and forums :slight_smile:

It could due to the 4th one as the notion of “qualificative” would have an impact on huge number of titles if missing, I remember editing the wiki for the english part (of those french guidelines) as the word was missing and I ended up doing many wrong edits that I needed to revert.

Then started to dig a bit more at those and guess won’t be that hard to adapt. For instance regarding for 1, 2, 3 there should have no impact as the notion of " défini" still exist, we could even write them to help non native speaker as they are limited to 4: le, la, les, l’
The only complexity would be to have those guidelines understood the same way by users knowing different basis. ex: Possessive adjective (mon, ma,…), for someone following the new grammar there wont be any issue as those became “déterminants” but for someone used to the old style he will still consider those as adjectives. Same problematic with “numeral adjectives”.
Easy workaround would be to write 2 versions for the exception 4 but there may be some rare cases to test before updating.
ex: Même cause même combat , Même peau, même destin
as those are not qualitative adjectives and don’t become “déterminants” in the new grammar.

For reference the link to current rules: Style / Language / French - MusicBrainz

This was meant to address the difference in terminology, yes. Not changing the guidelines…

I’m not suggesting to remove the actual terminology. Just add a note or something to explain the guidelines using the new terminology as well.


I’m all 100% for using simple sentence case.
I still cannot be sure of the caps I should set for French titles after many years of MB.
The rules are too difficult for me.

But this is off topic.

My preference is the modern way to capitalize as opposed to what we are doing now on MB.

Maybe 10-15 years later, we could revisit the way we capitalize in french and put it to a vote once again ? Looks like a few editors decided in 2008 (about 10). Is it irreversible ?

Some links:
GDRM : Utilisation des majuscules (règles modernes et règles traditionnelles)

EDIT: I’m also off topic here :slight_smile: (I blame Jesus! hehe)

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