Actual Artist Lineup (Artist rels) for Festivals in the main event before Running Order is released

In my opinion it is valuable information to enter artist relationships for the main event of a festival as soon as they get announced.
I agree, that the full running order has more valuable information, but it will be released months later sometimes.

Now I had the case, that another user deleted the artist relationships I entered with the reason, that running order information is more accurate and that I should wait until it gets released.

Here are my points copied over from edit discussion:

  1. It is valuable information to have the artist rels in the main event as soon as possible.
  2. To make events more valuable in MusicBrainz, the data has to be actual
  3. And yes, you are right, “They’re not going away forever” and the best is to have the detailed Running Order including time. BUT if no one comes to add the detailed Running Order later, you have zero information instead. If you want to add the Running Order later, you can delete the artist rels then just before adding the sub events for days/stages.
  4. For some Festivals we will just do what I pointed out in 3)
  5. A personal one: I have a use case in my Android App (relying on MusicBrainz data) for having the Lineup as soon as possible.

I would appreciate that we can have the Event Style Guide draft applied soon. In the most points I agree with your Guidelines pointed out here.…

Maybe we can find a fast compromise. Maybe it is 3) ?

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You mean adding them all to the main “festival” event, and then moving them to the specific days and times once that is known? I see nothing wrong with that, and I see absolutely no reason to remove correct data without adding more specifically correct data.

This seems like voting down adding release performers at the release level even though you don’t yet have the data to add them to the right recordings, and just means the data is poorer for a long time with no real benefit in the end (yes, whoever adds the per-day schedules if they do will have to remove a bunch of artists from the top event, but honestly that’s a lot less work than adding all the schedules in the first place so it shouldn’t be a huge issue).

Yes exactly but with one exception: It may happen, that the part after the colon never happens. But when that never happens it will also never happen when someone deleted the artist relations before (the running order is known).

Yes, true. This can mean to click ~100 times on the little red X.This annoys me too. Is there a way to remove multiple relations at once? The best for me will be to do this with a seed, but i think this is not possible atm?

This brings back to the edit note advice to only set things once we know the definitive artist list. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Just a little bit of patience.

The point is, with festivals usually the specific day for each artist is only known relatively late before the event, but the fact the artist is playing is known often many months in advance. Waiting would make MusicBrainz pretty much useless for keeping track of future festivals, only useful for documenting past ones. Which would be sad I think.


There’s three policies/principles that I thought were well established here at Musicbrainz that would seem to apply:

  • Musicbrainz supports upcoming events, even though/if not many people use that feature
  • Incomplete information is always better than no/less information (AKA don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good)
  • We don’t let the quality/lack-thereof of our tools dictate our policy. i.e. The fact that something will cause difficulties with our current web (or Picard) UI is not an argument against doing it, it’s just an argument for a better UI/tools.

Since I’m feeling feisty about this, I thought I’d check:

There’s a few more edits like this that are closing soon in case anyone feels like getting a last-minute vote in.

When we all agree, that the way I was adding artist rels is good and that they will be removed at the earliest when the running order is available, I will re-add the deleted ones. So no hurry, like pointed out in the edit of discussion.

But I hope that the original editor will leave their statement here before the final decision is made.

But I think, this discussion is another nudge to finish the Event/Festival style guidelines.

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I started looking into the guidelines, finally (please discuss in the other thread):