AcoustID attaching to recordings, but not albums

For the past month or so when scanning files in Picard, recently added tracks only get detected by their own and don’t get attached to albums. I’ve also noticed that on newer recordings, the MusicBrainz recording MBID is linked but not the actual artist/title, which may be related.

Old recording: Track "cb134713-55e1-4588-8db8-12cd0b66f556" | AcoustID

New recording: Track "c9c6fc10-90a1-4bc7-b7cd-447c89c84864" | AcoustID


I just had experienced this myself. Need to check, might be a bug in Picard’s submission, or in AcoustID’s import routine.

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Looking back it may have something to do with the schema change back in May. I noticed the CTDB was also having issues matching entries to MusicBrainz releases until it was updated last month, maybe AcousID has the same issue?

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I debugged this, it’s definitely an issue on the AcoustID side of things. I opened an issue:

Let’s see what the response is. If this will be a more permanent issue we could work around it in Picard by actively requesting more details about an recording if we only get a recording ID without further metadata from AcoustID.