In this thesis I see there was a way to give a feedback about the similarity algorithms :
I don’t see this option anymore. How can we produce data to train the algorithms ?
In this thesis I see there was a way to give a feedback about the similarity algorithms :
I don’t see this option anymore. How can we produce data to train the algorithms ?
Thanks for the reference: do you have other sources for the similarity algorithm?
nop but you can find a lot of ressources by searching each of the algorithm separatly ‘mfccs’, ‘mfccsw’, ‘gfccs’, ‘gfccsw’, ‘onsetrate’, ‘dortmund’, ‘rosamerica’, ‘tzanetakis’. and you have the sources of the thesis
Seems like one for @alastairp
Hi @yuioen
thanks for the feedback!
We temporarily removed the feedback submission option from the similarity pages as there were some bugs in it and we preferred to get the similarity functionality released instead of waiting to finish this work. The code is still there and we hope to enable it again soon.
We used to have a youtube player on this page, allowing people to listen to both results before indicating if they were similar, but recent changes by google in the last few years has meant that we are unable to put a free player on the page. We’re working to either bring in BrainzPlayer (the embedded player that we use on ListenBrainz) or an alternative player on this page. Once that’s in place we’ll be able to solicit feedback again.