Acoustic, Instrumental, Alternate languages, Remixes, etc

Firstly, are you familiar with works? Most of the following instructions relate to works, or linking works together. Just ask if something’s not clear! Detailed walk-throughs can be provided, but not all of this at once.

Thanks to dragonzeron on Discord for most of this:

  • Acoustic: Link recording to original work
  • Karaoke or Instrumental: @jesus2099 has a good description of the difference here
  • Instrumental: I believe usually you can just link the recording to the original work with the ‘instrumental’ type? But if the instrumental came first and then someone added lyrics later you would create a new work for the new non-instrumental version, linked to the original, to store new lyricist data (might be wrong here…)
  • Karaoke: Link recording to original work with the ‘karaoke’ type
  • Different languages: Link recording to a new work, relate that to the original work with the ‘translated’ type
  • Clean vs Explicit: Different recordings, but link to the same work

I’m no expert on works, but hopefully that will bring some people out of the woodwork to correct me :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

By the way, you never have to add this detail, but all this inter-linking is where the data can get really interesting, and hopefully you get into it and have fun. But don’t spend all Feb adding this if you don’t enjoy it, O.K!