About the numbering of the famous work Canon in D major

I am not familiar with classical music, but today I accidentally discovered that the famous work Pachelbel’s Canon is titled on MB as Canon and Gigue in D major, T. 377.

I became interested in the numbering system here and did some searches, but I couldn’t figure out where the 377 comes from.

First, I found that according to IMSLP, it’s numbering should be T. 337.

At this point, I still don’t understand what the ‘T’ represents, so I suspect that this inconsistency might be due to two numbering systems both using the ‘T’ prefix.

Then, I checked the Wikipedia page, which states:

Approximately 530 compositions have been attributed to Johann Pachelbel. As of 2009, no standard numbering system exists for Pachelbel’s work. This article presents a thematically organized list and provides catalogue numbers from three different catalogues:

  • P = catalogue by Jean M. Perreault, 2001
  • T = catalogue by Hideo Tsukamoto, 2002
  • PC = catalogue by Kathryn J. Welter, 1998

It seems that there is only one commonly used ‘T’ prefix for Pachelbel’s work, and then I checked the numbering on this page:

It is also 337, consistent with IMSLP.

To ensure there is no misrepresentation, I also checked Hideo Tsukamoto’s original page:

This confirms that if ‘T’ represents Tsukamoto’s numbering, then it should be 337.

But when searching with Canon and Gigue in D major, T. 377 in google, I can find many tracks on Apple Music, Spotify, and Youtube Music that use this numbering in the title. This seems to indicate that the numbering has not been written incorrectly.

So, as an ordinary person who doesn’t know classical music, I would like to ask if 377 is a typo for 337? If not, which numbering system is it using? Thank you all.


FWIW, I don’t know anything about Pachelbel’s catalogs, but I searched scores with T. 377, and I found 2 with T. 337:

and none with T. 377.

I also searched albums covers, but I couldn’t find any with a catalog number.

So my bet would be that there is indeed a widespread typo and that the correct catalog number is 337


377 is a different work entirely, as well, as per Outline of PachVW - I’m entering edits changing to 337. Thanks for catching this!