A multi‐source seeder for digital releases

Serbia is missing from the Apple list of countries. When adding an iTunes release, double check for Serbia. Country code is RS. I’ve email marlonob twice in the past 2 months to no response. I hope he hasn’t given up support.


I contacted him a while back; he replied about a month ago saying he was busy with personal stuff, and that he was working on moving the seeder’s source code to Github, hopefully so others can maintain it.


HD Tracks would also be likely very easy to add to a-tisket. It has a public API. Here’s an example:


I’ve discovered that on iTunes/Apple Music releases a couple of new things. If you right click on an iTunes/Apple Music release and select “view source” there are a couple of searches that will help. 1) Search for “MasteredforiTunes” and you will see either a true or false to let you know if it’s an Apple DIgital Masters release, since they removed badge that stated this. Weird that they never changed it from Mastered for iTunes. But also of more importance 2) Search for “recordlabel” and it will tell you the label, not the copyright label. This is very helpful on releases that are solely on iTunes and not on Spotify/Deezer which has this info shown on a-tisket.


Not sure if anyone uses Deezer but I’ve just created a simple userscript that adds an a-tisket button to the web interface:

It’s available here:


Note that my preferred countries are hardcoded (GB, US, DE) but you can easily change them by editing the COUNTRIES constant at the top of the script.


I’ve just created a version for Spotify too:


It’s available here:


Note that I don’t use Spotify myself so if you encounter any issues then let me know and I’ll do my best to fix them.


You can also search for the ISRCs here as well. Not sure why the API won’t give you this info, but the view source will. There’s a lot of info hidden in there.


seems like the https://etc.marlonob.info/atisket/ service is down. does anyone have an alternative to it?

The service itself is not down, but has frequent DNS issues (at least for me).

I have put the following into my /etc/hosts (%systemroot%\System32\drivers\etc\hosts on Windows): etc.marlonob.info

This works around the problem.

Of course, if you try the above workaround, make sure to verify the IP address and not just blindly copy it.


It’s never gone done for me.

It depends on what DNS server you’re using. I use Cloudflare/ and it’s been “offline” a couple times using it.

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Just want to report a small anomaly where atisket and the Deezer website disagree on a release date: atisket says 2013-02-14, but the Deezer website shows 2013-03-04 (which seems to be the general release date for this release on other places).

This is due to a discrepancy between the Deezer frontend and the API (atisket uses the API):

$ curl 'https://api.deezer.com/album/6339908' |jq
  "id": 6339908,
  "title": "Koanashi EP",
  "upc": "5055721809956",
  "link": "https://www.deezer.com/album/6339908",
  "share": "https://www.deezer.com/album/6339908?utm_source=deezer&utm_content=album-6339908&utm_term=0_1603195000&utm_medium=web",
  "cover": "https://api.deezer.com/album/6339908/image",
  "cover_small": "https://cdns-images.dzcdn.net/images/cover/e1f5553f90e0feeaa252e2c61332476e/56x56-000000-80-0-0.jpg",
  "cover_medium": "https://cdns-images.dzcdn.net/images/cover/e1f5553f90e0feeaa252e2c61332476e/250x250-000000-80-0-0.jpg",
  "cover_big": "https://cdns-images.dzcdn.net/images/cover/e1f5553f90e0feeaa252e2c61332476e/500x500-000000-80-0-0.jpg",
  "cover_xl": "https://cdns-images.dzcdn.net/images/cover/e1f5553f90e0feeaa252e2c61332476e/1000x1000-000000-80-0-0.jpg",
  "md5_image": "e1f5553f90e0feeaa252e2c61332476e",
  "genre_id": 106,
  "genres": {
    "data": [
        "id": 106,
        "name": "Electro",
        "picture": "https://api.deezer.com/genre/106/image",
        "type": "genre"
  "label": "MindStep Music Ltd.",
  "nb_tracks": 5,
  "duration": 1706,
  "fans": 14,
  "rating": 0,
  "release_date": "2013-02-14",
  "record_type": "album",
  "available": true,
  "tracklist": "https://api.deezer.com/album/6339908/tracks",
  "explicit_lyrics": false,
  "explicit_content_lyrics": 2,
  "explicit_content_cover": 2,
  "contributors": [
      "id": 4054898,
      "name": "Trashbat",
      "link": "https://www.deezer.com/artist/4054898",
      "share": "https://www.deezer.com/artist/4054898?utm_source=deezer&utm_content=artist-4054898&utm_term=0_1603195000&utm_medium=web",
      "picture": "https://api.deezer.com/artist/4054898/image",
      "picture_small": "https://cdns-images.dzcdn.net/images/artist/d181734ed4dd4b43610420f79856545a/56x56-000000-80-0-0.jpg",
      "picture_medium": "https://cdns-images.dzcdn.net/images/artist/d181734ed4dd4b43610420f79856545a/250x250-000000-80-0-0.jpg",
      "picture_big": "https://cdns-images.dzcdn.net/images/artist/d181734ed4dd4b43610420f79856545a/500x500-000000-80-0-0.jpg",
      "picture_xl": "https://cdns-images.dzcdn.net/images/artist/d181734ed4dd4b43610420f79856545a/1000x1000-000000-80-0-0.jpg",
      "radio": false,
      "tracklist": "https://api.deezer.com/artist/4054898/top?limit=50",
      "type": "artist",
      "role": "Main"
  "artist": {
    "id": 4054898,
    "name": "Trashbat",
    "picture": "https://api.deezer.com/artist/4054898/image",
    "picture_small": "https://cdns-images.dzcdn.net/images/artist/d181734ed4dd4b43610420f79856545a/56x56-000000-80-0-0.jpg",
    "picture_medium": "https://cdns-images.dzcdn.net/images/artist/d181734ed4dd4b43610420f79856545a/250x250-000000-80-0-0.jpg",
    "picture_big": "https://cdns-images.dzcdn.net/images/artist/d181734ed4dd4b43610420f79856545a/500x500-000000-80-0-0.jpg",
    "picture_xl": "https://cdns-images.dzcdn.net/images/artist/d181734ed4dd4b43610420f79856545a/1000x1000-000000-80-0-0.jpg",
    "tracklist": "https://api.deezer.com/artist/4054898/top?limit=50",
    "type": "artist"
  "type": "album",
  "tracks": {
    "data": [
        "id": 64699562,
        "readable": true,
        "title": "A Mutual Point of View",
        "title_short": "A Mutual Point of View",
        "title_version": "",
        "link": "https://www.deezer.com/track/64699562",
        "duration": 336,
        "rank": 15069,
        "explicit_lyrics": false,
        "explicit_content_lyrics": 2,
        "explicit_content_cover": 2,
        "preview": "https://cdns-preview-2.dzcdn.net/stream/c-21e42eacc2ba7a564ec1e1456ff2987b-0.mp3",
        "md5_image": "e1f5553f90e0feeaa252e2c61332476e",
        "artist": {
          "id": 4054898,
          "name": "Trashbat",
          "tracklist": "https://api.deezer.com/artist/4054898/top?limit=50",
          "type": "artist"
        "type": "track"
        "id": 64699563,
        "readable": true,
        "title": "Clear Tides",
        "title_short": "Clear Tides",
        "title_version": "",
        "link": "https://www.deezer.com/track/64699563",
        "duration": 336,
        "rank": 4871,
        "explicit_lyrics": false,
        "explicit_content_lyrics": 2,
        "explicit_content_cover": 2,
        "preview": "https://cdns-preview-0.dzcdn.net/stream/c-04b3311e3cf6b6bf34aeee86ecedd426-0.mp3",
        "md5_image": "e1f5553f90e0feeaa252e2c61332476e",
        "artist": {
          "id": 4054898,
          "name": "Trashbat",
          "tracklist": "https://api.deezer.com/artist/4054898/top?limit=50",
          "type": "artist"
        "type": "track"
        "id": 64699564,
        "readable": true,
        "title": "Koanashi",
        "title_short": "Koanashi",
        "title_version": "",
        "link": "https://www.deezer.com/track/64699564",
        "duration": 390,
        "rank": 18322,
        "explicit_lyrics": false,
        "explicit_content_lyrics": 2,
        "explicit_content_cover": 2,
        "preview": "https://cdns-preview-f.dzcdn.net/stream/c-f4e2971165065a7cc2296400b5d8e1b3-0.mp3",
        "md5_image": "e1f5553f90e0feeaa252e2c61332476e",
        "artist": {
          "id": 4054898,
          "name": "Trashbat",
          "tracklist": "https://api.deezer.com/artist/4054898/top?limit=50",
          "type": "artist"
        "type": "track"
        "id": 64699565,
        "readable": true,
        "title": "Ruminate",
        "title_short": "Ruminate",
        "title_version": "",
        "link": "https://www.deezer.com/track/64699565",
        "duration": 336,
        "rank": 16084,
        "explicit_lyrics": false,
        "explicit_content_lyrics": 2,
        "explicit_content_cover": 2,
        "preview": "https://cdns-preview-8.dzcdn.net/stream/c-829e4d66bbad4246b5dd0651c8020d2d-0.mp3",
        "md5_image": "e1f5553f90e0feeaa252e2c61332476e",
        "artist": {
          "id": 4054898,
          "name": "Trashbat",
          "tracklist": "https://api.deezer.com/artist/4054898/top?limit=50",
          "type": "artist"
        "type": "track"
        "id": 64699566,
        "readable": true,
        "title": "Orange Skies of Days Forgotten",
        "title_short": "Orange Skies of Days Forgotten",
        "title_version": "",
        "link": "https://www.deezer.com/track/64699566",
        "duration": 308,
        "rank": 18306,
        "explicit_lyrics": false,
        "explicit_content_lyrics": 2,
        "explicit_content_cover": 2,
        "preview": "https://cdns-preview-9.dzcdn.net/stream/c-9ba8568d21fce24b41b4cc7414daa619-0.mp3",
        "md5_image": "e1f5553f90e0feeaa252e2c61332476e",
        "artist": {
          "id": 4054898,
          "name": "Trashbat",
          "tracklist": "https://api.deezer.com/artist/4054898/top?limit=50",
          "type": "artist"
        "type": "track"

So it looks like Deezer stores multiple dates for each release? Which date is shown on the website and which returned by the API?

First time I’ve seen a difference between those…

If it was only the dates.


We should collect examples like this as it illustrates that digital / streaming platforms shouldn’t be treated as canonical sources of information about a release!

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Well I can add to such a collection

I’ve only done this once and I’m pretty sure the release date shown in Apple’s store for that release (and imported by atisket) is complete fiction…

Relying on a shop to give accurate data is what has always confused me about this method. The shop just wants to sell, they are not worried about a release date. Look at Amazon’s random release dates for older CDs!

Similar to not worrying about release countries as they only concerned about where it is for sale today.


Brilliant helper so thanks for the time and effort involved. Just one thing I would like to see is it picking up multiple artists better, currently it detects the first artist and not very often a second or third artist per track. Normally I have to go back to Deezer for example to double check all tracks then add generally 10+ additional artists for a lot of tracks. Is there a way you could code this to query each tracks url and feed the info more accurately? I don’t care if it takes longer as long as it’s accurate, the time spent double checking (and adding) all tracks takes around 10 minutes as it is now. This is mainly for Compilations.


Can you post a cache link to an example?