What is "Withdrawn": a discussion thread + examples

after having a bit of a think about it, I also don’t think completely withdrawn releases* should be shown on the artist overview (at least by default**). if an artist actively tries to remove a release from their discography (or intentionally excludes it), I feel that’s reason enough to not show it in their list of albums they do want in there.

*for clarity, this is release groups with only withdrawn releases or a combination of withdrawn with other release statuses which hide a release from the overview, like bootlegs and whatnot
**once an artist page redesign comes out and users can choose to always display all release groups like that one userscript, these could/would be shown, but as said not by default

another example of a release that’s been withdrawn (and what brought this topic back to mind), in this case it has been actively excluded from the artist’s big spreadsheet cataloging all “canonical” releases: Release group “Still Kids” by Musicians of Ponyville - MusicBrainz

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