Trying to standardize genres/other tags

IMO this is exactly the difference between tags and genres. Tags are subjective and for personal use. Genres are formal metadata.

MBS-11545 and MBS-11501.

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My savior, thank you! I followed all 3 issues

There is an updated version at Updated lastfmplus plugin for Picard/Lastfm 2.0 APIs by Jormangeud · Pull Request #170 · metabrainz/picard-plugins · GitHub proposed for inclusion. But looks like nobody wants to maintain it and address the open issues of this plugin :man_shrugging: My last comment on this pull request still stands.

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This thread seems to have turned into a more general discussion about genres but FWIW, I submitted a PR to Picard to add a $replacemulti script function, and it has now been merged:

So it will be available in the next version of Picard, which I imagine will be released in a month or so.