Title Tagger script unexpectedly repeating values - why?

I would expect this behavior too.
It runs automatically if you refresh, and every time you run it manually.
What exactly do you run? Have you tried to avoid duplicate _recordingcomment by adding a condition? (only add if not already part of the title…)

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That definitely sounds like a bug, but I still can’t reproduce it.

The intention of automatic scripts is clearly to run on loaded data, so from a user perspective your assumption is mostly right. Technically scripts actually do get re-run when a file gets attached to a track and the track metadata gets applied to the file (since Picard 2.5), but it does run with the data originally loaded for the track before applying the script. The idea here is that metadata (e.g. tags not filled by the track data, or technical variables like %_bitrate%) only present in the file should also be available to scripts.

But again, this script run uses the original data from the track, so it should actually not lead to the described behavior.

Some things to check:

  • What does it display for the title’s original and new value in the metadata box if you select that track without a file attached? Expected would be
  • Is that script snipped maybe more than once in your scripts?
  • Do you have any plugins that might alter the title?
  • Do you have “Clear existing tags” active or inactive? Dies changing this setting change anything? (that setting triggers slightly different code paths for re-running the scripts)

The only way I can get Picard to repeat the disambiguation in the comment is by manually running your script. But even then a refresh of the album would heal that again.

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