Style / Classical / Works/Collections: Folios, Codexes, Cancionero

I have been (very slowly as my dad is in hospital following a major stroke and 20 minutes for me immersed in MB has become a wonderful luxury) adding works found in

Many of these works are from old manuscripts c. 1500.

The current style guidelines read; Note: In general you should only add a collection if the composer was involved. Do not enter things like “All piano sonatas by Beethoven” as works in MusicBrainz.

Can see the danger of having Beethoven’s 5th Symphony being linked to 12,000 publications of the work.

However I think that having the relationship between a recording of a circa 1480CE work and the collection of works in which it found, the Cancionero Montecassino, adds a significant aspect to the recording metadata. I would easily be able to find other recordings of works from that manuscript. And future editors could benefit from having possible confusions around works in that manuscript being flagged.

Are there other ways of avoiding the dangers of having “collections of works” in the database, while getting the benefits?

Very open to other views.

(And suggestions of how to describe the relationship between work and collection.)


It might be more appropriate to enter it in as a series. From your link, it sounds like it might be a catalogue (a type of series).


+1 for a series for this sort of thing rather than a work (Also hope your father gets better soon).

I was looking for some examples of these as series because I was sure I had added some, but I can’t find them. Oh well. There are many works that have this info in the disambiguation right now, so they could be easy to find and link to a series if desired :slight_smile:


I’m using Series entities for song and tune books, so I’ll add myself to that choir. An example:


Adding a series for Cancionero Montecassino and linking works with it seems to be useful way of storing this kind of data. I’ve been collecting some data about Sibelius works to a series which isn’t exactly an catalog:


Re-assuring that others have faced these catalogues of works and that the db is well set-up to include them.

Thanks for the specific examples.